Not the highest. Highest is General of the Armies. He was one step below, which is just a General
pattons orderlyPatton's Orderly
He was an extremely unhappy character. Before WWII, a newspaper states:"George Pattons, doom and gloom for this poor chap."Not many people seem to know this, but his like was extremely different than before.
World Domination Recordings was created in 1989.
General Production Recordings was created in 1989.
Their Complete General Recordings was created on 1941-07-07.
No, there are no known recordings of Laura Ingalls Wilder's voice as she lived in the 19th and early 20th centuries before audio recordings became widely available.
Not the highest. Highest is General of the Armies. He was one step below, which is just a General
Very funny this is
Unfortunately, there are no known recordings of Helen Keller's voice. While she was an accomplished public speaker, advancements in recording technology were limited during her lifetime, and thus no audio recordings of her speeches or voice exist.
A Japanese man records his voice, but his voice is sped up by technologists that work with sounds and recordings. hope this answered ur question
pattons orderlyPatton's Orderly
Yes It will. As soon as they finish the voice overs. (English voice recordings) Which is HOPEFULLY soon.