Approximately 1900 US servicemen are unaccounted for.
Currently, there are Embassy Guard U.S. Marines and U.S. Military Liaison servicemen and women at the U.S. Embassy in HaNoi and at the U.S.Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City.
Additionally, a team of crash site and burial site investigators based in Hawaii travel to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia regularly in search of U.S. military remains.
President Eisenhower sent US Military Advisers to South Vietnam in 1955.
8 US Nurses died in Vietnam, all but one from accidents.
Recommend researching: Statistics About The Vietnam War-Recommended by the History Channel.
US Airmen and Sailors conducted war against NORTH Vietnam with their airplanes and battleships (one battleship actually, the USS New Jersey), cruisers, and destroyers firing from the gunline. US Soldiers and Marines fought on the ground in SOUTH Vietnam.
They weren't all soldiers. Pampa TX sacrificed 6 men to the war: 2 US Soldiers; 2 US Marines; 1 US Sailor; and 1 USAF Aviator.
US Servicemen are still missing in action (unaccounted for).
A total of 58,168 American soldiers died in Vietnam during the Vietnam War!!
About 38,209 US soldiers were killed in Vietnam. The other dead 20,000 men were Airmen, Marines, and Sailors.
Legends says that US used Extensive Helicopters to deploy its soldiers in tough terrain of Vietnam.
To fight communism.
Yes alcohol was available to US soldiers during Vietnam.
Vietnam is a communist country. US forces are not allowed there. However, US veterans visit Vietnam as tourists every year.
Approximately 2,594,000 US Servicemen served in the Vietnam War.
Its not the popularity of the soldiers, but the conflict they are in. A great example was Vietnam. Most hated the war itselft, and why we were over there, not the soldiers.