Generally speaking, Australian views ran in concert with the views of the US.
Over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in the Vietnam War.
PVT Errol Noack, 1st Australian Task Force, KIA 24 May 1966.
President Johnson's visit to Australia during the Vietnam War was met by Australian anti-war protests.
Long Tan was the Australian Army's first large battle of the Vietnam War; and was recorded as an Australian victory.
Approximately 60,000 Australian Men were drafted during the Vietnam War, and about 19,000 Australian draftee's served in Vietnam. On a smaller scale, due to Australia's smaller population, Australia experienced the same anti-war/anti-draft protests as did the United States.
Part of the cold war.
Over 3,000 Australian Servicemen wounded in Vietnam.
Australian maintained a troop level of approximately 8,000 men in Vietnam during the war.
North Vietnam started the war against South Vietnam; the US went to the aid of the South.
The Australian government experienced anti-war demonstrations.
Over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in the Vietnam War.
Australia sent 4 Navy Destroyers and a regiment of Australian Centurion tanks into the Vietnam War.
it started in 1883 ;-]
all of them
Conservative and a firm supporter of the Vietnam War
About 8,000 Australian servicemen fought in the Vietnam War. Approximately 600 were killed there.
War against North Vietnam started on 07 August 1964 with the Tonkin Gulf Resolution.