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It is possible to switch from the Marine Corps to the Air Force but it depends on alot of different things such as time of year , how many prior service slots are available etc. Best thing to do is talk with a recruiter sometimes talk to a few different recruiters. Its more of a headache to get someone prior enlisted back in especially with a different service. And they really don't get anything for it.

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12y ago
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16y ago

It is my experience that one cannot change from one service to another without first completing the contract for the service in which one is currently serving. Too, if one desires to be a Marine he/she must go through Marine bootcamp regardless of prior service. In fairness, I must add, my Marine Corps experience was more than 35 years ago.

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13y ago

There is no "switch". That would be like getting hired by Walmart and before you actually start, asking them to swithch you to Target. They are two different companies with different qualification requirements just like the two branches of the military.

You would have to tell your Marine recruiter that you no longer want to be a lean, mean, killing machine. And then, once they officially drop you from their DEP or Poolie (delayed enlistment program), go see an Air Force recruiter. Good luck convincing the Marine recruiter that you do not want to be a Marine, especially if you tell them you wanna go into the Air Force. They will give you a hard time for sure.

I was an Air Force recruiter for 4 years and am currently on my 16th year in the Air Force.

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11y ago

Yes, assuming you are otherwise qualified, there are a couple of ways. There is an intersevice transfer, and depending on the needs of the service you want to go in to, and the service you are leaving, that's not too difficult. You can also request a discharge, and then re-enlist...but that route has its own issues, such as age requirements, etc. The interservice transfer is the easiest, but it's never a sure thing.

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14y ago

You can enlist in the Marine Corps after your enlistment in the Air Force has expired.. You may be given some credit toward promotions. Time served will be the total of all service time.

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14y ago

Yes you can....but only if your not in the infantry or a special combat mos...dont know why but the air force is weird that way

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14y ago

No, you must wait for your contract to expire.

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14y ago

no you must go through marine corps bootcamp to be a marine . being a marine is not that easy

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15y ago

No. You can join the Marine Corps when your enlistment is up with the Army.

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