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Yes Germany Violated international law in World War 1.

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Q: Did Germany violate international law in World War I?
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Who was the first country to have played Germany in international soccer after World War 2 ended?

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Is there a war in Germany?

No, the last war in Germany was World War 2

Germany after World War two?

Germany was left banrupt after world war two

Was Germany World War 1 or World War 2?

Germany was in WW I and WW II.

Differences in alliences in world war 1 and 2?

Both world wars had Germany on one side and Britain, France, the United States, Russia, and China on the other. Differences include the fact that the Russia of World War I was the imperial Russian Empire while the Russia of World War II was the communist Soviet Union. Countries that changed sides include Turkey (for Germany in World War I, neutral in World War II), the Austro-Hungarian Empire (for Germany in World War I, no longer existed by the time of World War II), Italy (against Germany in World War I, for Germany in World War II), and Japan (against Germany in World War I, for Germany in World War II).

Why did world war spread?

Because of international treaties of mutual self defense and because Germany and Japan invaded and attacked other countries.

Was World War I started by Germany?

No. World War 2 was started by Germany, but World War 1 was started by internal strife in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After war was declared, Germany and Turkey sided with Austria.

What year did Germany defeat France in world war 1?

It didn't. Germany lost World War I.

Who had fought the US in World War I?

Germany fought the us in world war 1

Who declared war in Germany before world war two?

The prime minister of Britain declared war in Germany. The world war 2 started by Germany in a unprovoked attack on poland.