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yes there was a lot many of the Generals fought in World War 1 like Marshall, Patton, Eisenhower, McArthur, Stilwell etc Montgomery was a officer in both wars and dont forget Hitler himself fought in ww1

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, the great majority of the population of all countries involved in World War 2 lived right through the war, so I wonder if you are thinking of a specific group, such as the European Jews?

Probaly a couple hundred people or people not even in the war at all

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Sure. From the start of the Civil War to the end of WWII was only 84 years, so a person who lived the correct ninety years would have been old enough to remember the Civil War and still see the end of WWII.

Woodrow Wilson, US president during WWI, was born in Virginia in the late 1850s and remembered seeing General Lee's Army. There were a handful of old generals at the beginning of WWI who had actually seen service in the Civil War.

Confederate general Hood's last wife worked at the Bell Aircraft plant near Atlanta during WWII. She may have been pretty young when she married Hood, after his first wife died.

The last authentic Civil War veteran did not die until the early 1950s.

My grandmother was born two years before the Wright brothers flew their plane for the first time, and watched men walk on the moon with me, and lived to see the first Shuttle landing. She could remember the first automobile in our town.

It used to be things never changed, people lived lives just like their ancestors had a thousand years earlier. But things change these days, and the pace of change is accelerating.

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