They did nothing until their advancing forces actually over-ran the camps.
the decision was that the best thing that they could do was to end the war as quickly as possible, thus end the Holocaust as quickly as possible.
One way through which the allies dealt with the holocaust is to dismantle the weapons, tools and the Propaganda machinery being used by its perpetrators. WWII was a fight against the Nazi.
The Holocaust was not 'solved'. Rather it was stopped when Nazi Germany was defeated by the Allies.
You had to wait till the Allies arrived.
Yes, there are pictures taken by both sides and of course by the Allies after the fact.
The American government had no direct effect on the Holocaust. Obviously, the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Allies ended the genocide. I wonder if you are mistakenly equating the Holocaust with World War 2.
I don't think that the Holocaust actually "stands for" anything. It provides an illutration of certain things, but that is another matter.
The Holocaust was not the fault of the US! It is sometimes said that the US and their Allies did not do much (or anything) to stop the Holocaust. See the related question.
Many weren't. It was that they couldn't do anything about it, they would be killed if they tried to resist. The Allies new and were fighting to stop this treatment.
Stopping the Holocaust didn't figure anywhere on the Allies' list of military objectives.Bombing in World War 2 was generally very inaccurate.
Anne Frank didn't stop the Holocaust. She just made a diary on the thing. The Allies stopped the Holocaust. Anne Frank was just a teenager during the Holocaust. She could not have stopped it. The above answer is correct. See link below for more information.
The reason no one tried to stop the holocaust right away was either because no one knew about or that the German population were indoctrinated into hating the Jews. The allies later found out about the holocaust around 1943.
None of the Allies did anything specifically aimed at stopping the Holocaust. Please see the related question below.
The killings stopped when the camps were liberated by the Allies. In many cases the SS fled as the Allies approached and left the camps.
There was no single 'year of the Holocaust' ...
Because they allies known that the jews didnt do anything wrong and were imprisoned and killed, this made the allies soft hearted and freed some jews but some were taking for questioning about the holocaust, NO JEWS WERE IMPRISONED BY THEY ALLIES AFTER THEY WAS LIBERATED
The Allies (including Britain) stopped the Nazi concentration camps and the Holocaust by invading and defeating Nazi Germany.
No. In fact, 'preventing the Holocaust' was not even a war aim of the Allies. Please also see the related question.
This question confuses the Holocaust (genocide) with World War 2.