The "total war" had many social and economical effects on both the North and the South. Economically, the South was not prepared to fight the war. Their lack of efficient internal transportation systems hindered their ability to distribute food to areas that were in dire need. As a result, much of the Confederate Army suffered from malnourishment. Socially, there were many effects. Many blacks were freed in the North and joined in the war effort against the Confederates. When the northerners saw that the African Americans were not as dangerous as they had previously believed, the foundation began to be laid towards abolition. In addition, women found that they had new responsibilities. With the deaths of so many men, women began serving in the community which upset their previous purely domestic roles. They served as nurses for the army and helped to promote health related knowledge such as "cleanliness, nutrition and medical care." While the total war had some negative consequences, they were outweighed by the beneficial steps towards freedom.
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It preserved capitalism, increased the power of the federal government, and created a social safety net.
It deepened the social economic unrest
i need to know the social economic effect of migration in nigeria
The American Revolution led to political, social, idealogical, and economic effects.
Its a new phase to development of accounting and its birth to increase the social awareness. the social effects of business decisions in addition to the economic effects.
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Social cost is part of economic growth because overall economic production is a function of social benefit minus social costs.
what were the economic effects after Goa was liberated
It can have many effects, but one is the creation of new social classes
Yellowstone had fewer visitors
on the US?? nothin' we wern't in ww2
Industrial production and the atomic age.
Drug addicts undergo numerous economic, social and health problems.
Melvyn Holdsworth has written: 'The economic and social effects of new technology'