Factors affecting the degree of centralization and decentralization are:
Importance of the decision:- How would be decision made affect the culture and image of the organization.
Size of the organization:-a larger organization with several duties and function would highly need a much decentralized structure on its divisions.
Willingness of top people to delegate power:- leadership style at the top contribute so much to any kind of organization structure. Democratic leadership is much more willing to discuss and delegate some duties to others.
Willingness of the subordinates to accept responsibility:- there should be interest from the subordinates to take responsibility and assume authority to enable delegation of duties to take place.
Availability of management talents:- the subordinates should have enough managerial know-how and skills to be able to make just and proper decisions that is in the interest of the organization. This would mean training them to be in a position to carry out decision making efficiently.
Rate of growth:- organization which are static would remain for long time centralized as there are no more duties and programmes to be decentralized as opposed to continually growing organization which could have a branch in a different area, be it geographical or operational that will need line managers.
In respect to general human development and history, human settlements are influenced by natural hazards of various kinds. Diseases are one such natural hazard that affect both the human body (and mind) as well as the animals and plants needed for human survival. Weather (temperature, winds, earthquakes, and so on) is another significant factor that profoundly affects human settlements and settlers alike.
There was no American victory in the Cold War. No one won it. The fact that both Communist nations and Communist ones exist today is proof.
World War II affected the Pacific Rim to a massive degree. War and the aftermath was everywhere. The atomic bombs altered countless lives. To this day, unexploded bombs and mines are being discovered.
540 degrees
push factor
Absolute decentralization is as hypothetical as absolute centralization. Discuss. Also explain the factors which affect the degree of decentralization. Which is best? Why?
Decentralization is one the trends in organizational structure. Critically examine why decentralization is becoming more common in contemporary organizations. What should companies consider when determining the degree of decentralization
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The president heads one of the major parties
objectives of decentralization
advantage and dis advantage of centralization and decentralization advantage and dis advantage of centralization and decentralization
no cultural factor will have an affect. no cultural factor will have an affect.
Decentralization Coalition was created on 2005-12-10.
The disadvantages of decentralization are when a certain organization has already expanded, decentralization is not needed anymore. It can also result in inadequate control and appraisal.
Hamid Mahamat Dahalob is the Minister in Charge of Decentralization for Chad.
the factor that will affect it is temperature.