Some. Few and far between, however.
I believe President Roosevelt's son was a Lt. Col. at Normany on d-day
If the USA was not a democracy and the administration did not have to worry about the lives of the voters sons and daughters they would keep it going indefinitely, However they may also commit so many troops that they would gain control. but you cant control a people that is committed to freeing themselves from an invader.
Babur's sons wereHumayunKamran MirzaAskari MirzaHindal MirzaAltun Bishik [alleged son]
It can be referred to as the "Poor Man's War" because mostly the poor or working class men were drafted in. The college attending men who would normally be drafted in were exempt, as well as men who were sons of politicians and such. There were many ways to get around the draft but the people who could not get around it ended up being the poor and working class men of the country.
Emperor Akbar's twin sons, Hasan and Husain were born in 1564. Nobody killed them. They died in infancy.
According to Michael Moore-none
by being in the war and dying.
the Save Our Sons (SOS) campaign was formed by mothers during the Vietnam war to fight against conscription in Australia and fought against children going to war. basically the SOS campaign succeeded as it gained more members as the Vietnam war continued. this was because people could see the evil of war on television as it was only invented just before the war.
For the "most" part, the US Army had men from most, if not all walks of life in America. Men such as Elvis Presley, to sons of Generals were known to be within the enlisted ranks.
the sons of liberty opposed many of Britain's laws and acts. they opposed the stamp act, the sugar act, the townshend acts, and taxation withouth representation. the sons of liberty fought for their country and boycotted Britain
Sons of Liberty
The sons of liberty of course.
Charlemagne’s sons fought for power and weakened the kingdom
Unjust, Civil War, American aggression, a communist plot, a military coup, a military plot, a capitalist war, a white man's war (Black Panther's/Civil Rights movement slogans), communist aggression, a rich man's war (fought by poor men), an unfair war (politician's sons aren't dying in Vietnam), etc. Those are just a few of some of the goings on back then.
his sons all fought and the empire declined