The official number are 303,635 wounded, 58,159 Americans confimed dead, and another 2000 missing (and probably dead)
In addition to over 58,000 US servicemen killed in, more than 300,000 were wounded.
267 people killed 123 wounded
Over 58,000 US Servicemen were killed in the war. 58,169 were killed and 304,000 wounded out of 2.59 million who served.
Over 58,000 US servicemen were killed; over 1,900 MIA/POW, and over 300,000 wounded.
58200 people
170,000 people were killed and 420,000 were wounded. That's a total of 590,000. 315,000 were Germans that were either killed or wounded, whiles allies had 275,000 people killed or wounded.
1000 British people were killed or wounded. 400 Americans people were killed or wounded
A total of 935,136 - 1,977, 779 soldiers were killed, and about 2,098,200 were wounded.
58,209 dead. 153,303 wounded. 2,489 were missing in action.
Over 300,000 US servicemen were wounded in the Vietnam War.
Approximately 600 Australian servicemen were killed in Vietnam, and over 1200 wounded.
There were over 23,000 men killed, wounded, or missing after the end of the Battle of Antietam.
In addition to over 58,000 US servicemen killed in, more than 300,000 were wounded.
About 3,271 people were killed and 18,753 and 8,000 went missing.
267 people killed 123 wounded
For the Confederates approx. 1,300 killed, 7,000 wounded, for the Union approx. 10,000 killed and wounded
Over 58,000 US Servicemen were killed in the war. 58,169 were killed and 304,000 wounded out of 2.59 million who served.