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Q: How many states were in the confederacy in the civil war?
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What was the Confederacy in the Civil War?

The rebel southern states

Were the confederacy the south in the civil war?

Yes. The Confederacy and the South are the same thing in the context of the War Between the States.

How many soldiers did the Confederacy have during the Civil War?

During the Civil War, the Confederacy had approximately 750,000 soldiers.

A sentence with confederacy?

During the Civil War, the Confederacy tried to secede from the Union.

Southern states formed this during the civil war?

The Confederacy

What states remained in the confederacy after the civil war?

The Confederacy was officially wound-up about a month after Appomattox.

What form of government did the southern states have during the Civil War (1861-1865)?

what form of government did the southern states have during the civil war 1861-1865? idk i think it's a Confederacy NO IT IS A CONFEDERACY I GOT THIS!!

What is the Civil War?

The civil war was a time from 1861 - 1865 where the union states (North) and the states of the confederacy (South) fought. There were many causes of the civil war, including differences between northern and southern states on the idea of slavery, as well as trade, tariffs, and states rights.

Name for south in the civil war?

The Confederate States of America or the Confederacy

During the civil war the southern states had what type of government?

a confederacy

Was the north apart of the confederatcy in the civil war?

No, the southern states were the Confederacy.

Who used the confederacy flag in the civil war?

The Confederate States of America.