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Egypt gets 1.5 Billion a year from US

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Q: How much foreign aid does Egypt get?
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What two nations receive the most foreign aid from the US?

Generally, it is Israel and Egypt.

How much money does the US give Egypt per year in aid?

1.2 Billion dollars for 2010. Stats from the Government Foreign Aid office.

How much did Britain give in foreign aid in 2012?

The 2012 British foreign aid budget was roughly £8.6 billion.

How much foreign aid does Iran get?

1 billion

How much foreign aid does Bangladesh get?

100 rupee

When did US aid to Israel stop?

It has not stopped. Israel is a recipient of US foreign aid, in the form of grants and loan guarantees. Other current recipients of US foreign aid include Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, India, Russia, West Bank and Gaza.

How much does the US give to foreign aid?

1.5 billion

How much foreign aid does US Government give to Netherlands?

The Netherlands is a very wealthy country (17th in the world by GDP). As such it requires no foreign aid.

How much foreign aid does russia give United States?

Russia does not give foreign aid to the usa. In fact Russia killed most or all of it's foreign aid back in the 90's with the collapse of the Soviet Union and has just recently started a foreign aid program again.

Will America continue to provide economic aid to Egypt during the transitional government period?

It is unclear if America will continue to provide economic aid to Egypt during the transitional government period as decisions on aid are subject to various factors including the political situation, human rights concerns, and foreign policy priorities. The US government regularly reviews its aid to Egypt based on these factors.

How much foreign aid does the US give to Tunisia?

1.5 billion

How much does Australia earn in foreign aid?

Australia does not earn anything in foreign aid. Foreign aid is an expense that costs Australia hundreds of millions of dollars per year.