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Human hair was used by the German military to make slippers for the men on their subs. The hair came from the death camps.

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Q: How was human hair used in World War 2?
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Why were the Jew's hair cut in World War 2?

Basically it was a way of dehumanizing them. Taking away every aspect they had of being called a human.

Why do you think most countries used protectionist policies after World War 1?

Because they did not want another costly war in human life

What did women wear in world war 2?

They had bandannas in their hair with there hair curly.

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What was the hair colour in world war 1?

Dark brown

Where horses or donkeys used in World War 2?

Mainly horses were used in World War 2. But donkeys were used in World War 1.

In world war 2 why did children have to cut their hair short if they had long hair?

because during World War II, it was considered patriotic to wear short hairstyles, such as the Victory Cut. Short hair symbolised devotion to the war effort, as women factory and military workers were required to have hair above the collar.

Was trench warfare used in World War II?

No, trench warfare was not widely used in World War II as it was in World War I.

What was spent in World War 2?

Human lives.

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What are good examples of history repeating itself?

not always, for example: world war 1- world war 2

What was used in war?

Dynamite was used in World War 1, but stopped using it during World War 2