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not always, for example: World War 1- World War 2

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Q: What are good examples of history repeating itself?
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History teaches but teaches nothing discuss?

History teaches us allot of things. Mainly, what we did wrong, how not to do it again, or if we do, how to straighten it out. That is, as long as you actually learn your lesson the first time. If not, history will keep repeating itself, as many say is happening today. But studying history is a good thing. Even in todays world and problems.

Is black history a bad speech topic?

Black History is a good subject to create topics for a speech but it can't be a topic itself.

Why should you learn history?

because history repeats itself. i believe it's good to know what's coming. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.

Is it important to read history?

Reading about history is extremely important. It displays many aspects of the modern world, as history explains why many of the world's problems and successes came to be. A good knowledge of history is a reward within itself.

How many people died as a result of the death camp?

If you weren't there, then who are you to ponder and even "think" to ask a rhetorical question? If you look through history it is the white man that has prospered the earth. And oh yes, there will always be wars and racial tension, even bible believers should understand the meaning of separation, which God calls for. You are probably one of them, good luck figuring out life and just know history has a way of repeating itself.

How can you memorize the Gettysburg address by tomarow?

Yes you can, just keep repeating and repeating, over and over! Good luck, you can do it!

Can you provide examples of instances where there were good slave owners in history"?

While some may argue that there were instances of slave owners treating their slaves relatively well in history, it is important to recognize that the institution of slavery itself was inherently oppressive and dehumanizing. It is crucial to approach this topic with sensitivity and understanding of the broader context of systemic exploitation and abuse that characterized the practice of slavery.

Is history a valid tool to plan the future?

Yes, looking at events in the past is a very good way of planning the future, but not perfect. A well known saying is "History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes"

Why is Learning History Important?

Someone once said that those who do not learn about history repeat it (or something to that extent). If you don't want to bad things to happen again, learn about and try to prevent them. It is also important to study History because if you want to know how the world really started, then you can research History and try to find out. History teaches us many vital lessons about life.

What is the term for a question that answers itself?

A rhetorical question is a question where the answer is implied by the questioner. This site has some good examples, and more detail:

Does France have good history?

History can not be good or bad.

What subjects did Cleopatras tutor teach her?

We don't know for certain, but judging by the examples of ancient Egyptian education of the time, it would be a good guess to say that Cleopatra was taught history, especially Greek history, the Greek language, and some rhetoric in order to present herself properly in public. This was in addition to the basic reading and writing.We don't know for certain, but judging by the examples of ancient Egyptian education of the time, it would be a good guess to say that Cleopatra was taught history, especially Greek history, the Greek language, and some rhetoric in order to present herself properly in public. This was in addition to the basic reading and writing.We don't know for certain, but judging by the examples of ancient Egyptian education of the time, it would be a good guess to say that Cleopatra was taught history, especially Greek history, the Greek language, and some rhetoric in order to present herself properly in public. This was in addition to the basic reading and writing.We don't know for certain, but judging by the examples of ancient Egyptian education of the time, it would be a good guess to say that Cleopatra was taught history, especially Greek history, the Greek language, and some rhetoric in order to present herself properly in public. This was in addition to the basic reading and writing.We don't know for certain, but judging by the examples of ancient Egyptian education of the time, it would be a good guess to say that Cleopatra was taught history, especially Greek history, the Greek language, and some rhetoric in order to present herself properly in public. This was in addition to the basic reading and writing.We don't know for certain, but judging by the examples of ancient Egyptian education of the time, it would be a good guess to say that Cleopatra was taught history, especially Greek history, the Greek language, and some rhetoric in order to present herself properly in public. This was in addition to the basic reading and writing.We don't know for certain, but judging by the examples of ancient Egyptian education of the time, it would be a good guess to say that Cleopatra was taught history, especially Greek history, the Greek language, and some rhetoric in order to present herself properly in public. This was in addition to the basic reading and writing.We don't know for certain, but judging by the examples of ancient Egyptian education of the time, it would be a good guess to say that Cleopatra was taught history, especially Greek history, the Greek language, and some rhetoric in order to present herself properly in public. This was in addition to the basic reading and writing.We don't know for certain, but judging by the examples of ancient Egyptian education of the time, it would be a good guess to say that Cleopatra was taught history, especially Greek history, the Greek language, and some rhetoric in order to present herself properly in public. This was in addition to the basic reading and writing.