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It was called the "buddy system" and it was possible, yes. However, in the real world, what very often happened was those two buddies ended up making new friends in the army...and their original enlistment under the buddy system wasn't all that important anymore. They often went their separate friends...but they each had several newer friends. Entering the army (or any branch of service) was scary for new recruits and the buddy system was a way of making new men feel more comfortable by having someone familiar with them to go thru the military process together (inprocessing, orientation, boot camp, AIT, out-processing, etc.)...similiar to a "familiy member support" idea. But after going thru the "military processing", like most things in life...if wasn't near as bad as the man thought it would be. And he went on to make new friends, formally called ARMY BUDDIES!

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Q: If friends volunteered for Vietnam war together could they end up in same company?
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Why did women join the Vietnam War?

Women did not "fight" in Vietnam. They were not in any combat units serving as combatants. They were nurses and other support. They did a great service by mending our wounds, giving us comfort and being there in our support- God bless them all. They left their families and friends, traveled half way around the world , gave up all the comforts they could have had and put themselves in harms way- all for the American soldier. They were a rare breed of women....

When did the US join the war in Vietnam?

The US joined the Vietnam War in 1960 or 1955because there was a civil war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, and the US was good friends with South Vietnam's goverment, so they helped out.

Percentage of troops in Vietnam that saw combat?

According to the "Statistics About the Vietnam War", recommended by the History Channel; two thirds of US servicemen volunteered for the Military/Vietnam. But as any EXPERIENCED historian will tell you, "statistics (data)" can be misleading. Example: During the 1960's when a young man either enlisted or was drafted into the US Army (the army was the most common), his friends would jokingly say to him, "...remember John, Don't Volunteer for nothen!" Or "...remember John, NEVER volunteer!" This was an old joke from the WWII fellows, passed on down to the Korean War veterans, then onto us Vietnam guys. When entering the US Army, stateside or overseas it went like this: "I need three, you, and you." The Sgt then reports to the LT or Captain and says, "I got your three volunteers sir!" On paper, and for historians there's your three volunteers. During the Vietnam War, draftees served 2 years on active duty, with 4 years inactive reserve, OR 6 years Active Reserve/National Guard duty (today it's 8 years). US for a draftee was stamped on his dog tags. RA (Regular Army) was stamped on a volunteer's dog tags. ALL (or most) RA's enlisted for 3 or more years. So how did 2 year RA's get RA stamped on their dog tags? They were drafted and offered the opportunity to volunteer. On paper, and for historians, there's your 2/3% of volunteers in Vietnam. There were TRUE volunteers in Vietnam and the Army. Those figures would have to come from the 3 years or more enlistments. Those are the true volunteers. But those numbers won't be as high; so............................

Why do you still remember and honor the veteran of World War 2?

Yes, because my father and all the men in our family served in the war and the Korean war too. My husband and many friends also fought in Vietnam so we honor all the Vets.

How did people at home fight in the Vietnam war?

some people thought that it was good because they did nott want connunism to spread and others did not like the fighting in Vietnam because they had friends and family fighting in the war and were worryed about thbem so therefore they did not want the war to be going on

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No, Ewan and Jude haven't been in a movie together but they are close-ish friends. They used to be a roommates and they formed a production company called Natural Nylon together, along with some of their other friends(but they shut down the company already) :(

Why did women join the Vietnam War?

Women did not "fight" in Vietnam. They were not in any combat units serving as combatants. They were nurses and other support. They did a great service by mending our wounds, giving us comfort and being there in our support- God bless them all. They left their families and friends, traveled half way around the world , gave up all the comforts they could have had and put themselves in harms way- all for the American soldier. They were a rare breed of women....

Are South Korea and Vietnam friends?

No, they aren't.

Are Vietnam and the US friends now?

The US conducts business (trade) with Vietnam, so yes.

What is grammatically correct - went out in the company or with company of your friends?

The correct phrase is "went out with the company of your friends." This construction conveys the idea that the friends accompanied you.

Which is correct sentence Friends and Company or Friends and Events?

Neither friends and company or friends and events are correct sentences.

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yes they are indeed they have done movies together like revolutionary road and TITANIC there great BEST FRIENDS and enjoy each others company

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The ISBN of Best Friends Together is 978-1853404641.

What is grammatically correct went out in or with the company of friends?

If you use "with" it indicates there's a company of friends and you went with them. If you use "in" it indicates you are part of the company.

Can you describe what it means for a husband and wife as best of friends?

To be able to have fun together and enjoy each other's company, with or without the element of sexual intimacy.