The B-1 bomber is actually called the B-1 Lancer, and it manufactered by Rockwell. This is a bombing plane which originates in the United States. It was originally developed in the 1960s, but has been through several redesigns since then.
Bomber Raid was created in 1988.
Bomber Raid happened in 1988.
how bomber hats got their name
The dive bomber was the Junkers Ju 87; but the German for Dive Bomber is Sturzkampfflugzeug. Germans were very fond of their own type of acronym, using the first syllable of a word rather than its initial letter; thus, Geheim Staatspolizeibecomes Gestapo, and Sturzkampfflugzeug becomes Stuka.
The B1 Lancer bomber was originally invented by Rockwell Industries in the USAThe B1 Lancer bomber was originally invented by Rockwell Industries in the USA
B1 Bomber
I heard it was somewhere in the vacinity of 250,000,000 Pretty pricey
The B-1B entered service in 1986.
B1 Bomber
The B-1 bomber is actually called the B-1 Lancer, and it manufactered by Rockwell. This is a bombing plane which originates in the United States. It was originally developed in the 1960s, but has been through several redesigns since then.
In 1958 there was a Bomber Club located on the left after you left the main gate on the way into town. Served a great beer mixed with tomato juice.
Apart from the obvious increase in the number of engines, there is no real difference. The extra engines give increased thrust and thus additional "bomb" capacity. Depending on the role intended, a four engined bomber will be preferred as in a war, fuel is not a consideration.
I have just finished a 1:32 scale model of an Avro B1 Mk 1 Lancaster Bomber. Approx. 1200 hours of loving work over a period of 2 & 1/2 years. Is there a Lancaster model association that I can join and compare models etc. ? My email is Brian
B1 in science is you and genes
"=((B1-A1)/B1)*100" alternatively if you format the cell as a %, it would just be "=(b1-a1)/b1"