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Because Vietnam just had a fight so the united states sent some troops to Vietnam to guard the boarder.

Even before it fell to communism Truman and written up a policy of containment called the Truman Doctrine which stated that the USA would help any country being threatened by communism
Because north Vietnam attacked an American destroyer off the bay of Tonkin this gave LBJ a good enough reason to get the permission of congress to invade Vietnam also they didn't want South Vietnam to fall to communism as they believed that if S. Vietnam fell it would start a domino reaction that would cause more countries in Asia to become communist. Another reason was that jfk had been sending in "military advisors" into Vietnam for years and he wanted to step up what JFK had already done.
Before he sent in troops he launched Operation rolling thunder which was bombing runs on major N. Vietnamese cities and factories to prevent them from supplying the Vietcong..

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17y ago

Okinawa, Guam, Thailand, Laos (unofficially), Cambodia (unofficially, later publicly declared), and the Philippines. We also had troops in the European cold war defence bases in Germany, England, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Greece and Turkey.

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13y ago

US troops were originally sent to South Vietnam in 1955 by President Eisenhower to bolster the new (Republic) of South Vietnam's new government, in it's already existing fight against communist aggression.

Both the North and the South were created by the ending of the French Indochina War in 1954. Once the South was firmly established as a permanent independent nation (a republic) in 1955...trouble was immediate, and Eisenhower commenced battle against communism immediately.

The trouble was small, covert, and guerrilla in nature; but like a cancer it kept growing. Then 02 August 1964 came along, and torpedo boat units from the North Vietnamese Navy conducted a machinegun & torpedo attack against the destroyer USS Maddox in the Tonkin Gulf. An alleged second torpedo boat followed on the 4th of August. This one may have been radar ghosts (referred to as Tonkin Ghosts by US Sailors); but the damage was already done; LBJ got his "Tonkin Gulf Resolution" passed by the 7th, and open warfare commenced immediately between the countries of North Vietnam & the United States.

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16y ago

To Replacement Depots called REPO-DEPOs; from there, they were distributed to their outfits, which were scattered thru-out South Vietnam.

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15y ago

Australia, Korea, and other SEATO nations

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Q: Soldiers from were sent to South Vietnam?
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Soldiers from where were sent to south Vietnam?

Soldiers from the United States were sent to South Vietnam to support the government and combat the communist insurgency during the Vietnam War.

First Australia soldiers sent to south Vietnam?


First Australian soldiers sent to south Vietnam?

it was 1947

Who was the firsrt US troops to be sent in Vietnam by president johnson?

In the 1950s and 1960s Eisenhower and Kennedy sent US soldiers to South Vietnam. In 1965 President Johnson sent the US Marines.

How many soldiers were sent into fight in the Vietnam war?

Approximately 2,594,000 US Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Soldiers were sent to South Vietnam. Approximately 3,403,100 servicemen served thru-out Southeast Asia during the war.

How many US soldiers first went to the Vietnam War?

President Eisenhower sent US Military Advisers to South Vietnam in 1955.

How many soldiers were sent to fight in the war?

49 000 soldiers were sent to fight in the Vietnam war.

What was the class of most US soldiers sent to Vietnam?

The class of soldiers sent to Vietnam was the Marines,Army,and, the Special Ops

What Us president who sent the first advisers to south Vietnam?

Eisenhower. However, Truman no doubt had US personnel present with the French during their war there; as they were receiving US equipment (M24 Chaffee tanks, and WWII Bearcat fighters, etc.). But then again, SOUTH Vietnam did not exist during the French war.

Why were the soldiers sent to the south?

Union Soldiers were sent to enforce the right of black men to vote

Did soldiers in the Vietnam war get train to fight?

Soldiers from North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Korea, Australia, and the United States were all effectively trained and prepared for battle in the Vietnam Conflict.

Why were soldiers sent to the south after reconstruction?

Union Soldiers were sent to enforce the right of black men to vote