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over $33 billion

about $33 million

about $50 billion

about $5 billion

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over $33 billion

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Q: The war debt of Germany after World War 1 amounted to?
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Have Japan and Germany ever completely recovered from their World War 2 debt?

Yes, Germany has and also, Tokyo, but Tokyo is starting to go back in debt.

Did Poland pay back World War 2 debt?

Poland don't have any debt after II War. Poland was fighting against Germany.

What was the German Economic Devastation?

Germany owed high war debt due to World War One & The Treaty of Versailles. This means that after World War One Germany had to pay for all the damages the war had caused. Witch was not possible for Germany to do.

How did the World War I cause World War 2?

Because Germany was in a depression paying for their war debt from world war 1 and when Hitler came to power he tried to get more land then he said

How much war debt was Germany ordered to pay during World War 1?

$6,600 million due to the Treaty of Versailles.

What countries paid their US World war 2 debt in full?

NONE. Not one country in the world has ever paid back the USA for war debt or any other type of debt. NOT ONE.

How did World War 1 set into motion the events leading to the Great Depression and World War 2?

World War I put many countries in debt. Plus, the Treaty of Versailles, which ended it, punished Germany heavily. When the Stock Market crashed, and Europe could not pay its debt, the Great Depression occurred. When Germany started to resent the treaty, Hitler was elected because he promised to end Germany's suffering.

What was the debt of Russia after World War One?

The level of debt in Russia was almost insurmountable after World War I. It amounted to 8,000,000,000 rubles. That was more than their economy could produce. These debts were impossible to repay. The new Bolshevik government had to pay part of this. If not then economic trade with Russia would have been severely hampered. Some debts Lenin simply canceled.

How did war world one affect the world?

At the end many countries where in poverty. Germany had to pay a debt to the allies which ended a little before and during world war two, but continued after and still does.

Who did not pay back U.S. debt after World War 1?

Finland is the only country to fully pay back it's WWI debt to the U.S. No other country has.

What was post World War 1 tension?

some post world war I tensions were: -War Debt -Job shortages -Increase of Imperialism -Fascist dictatorship; Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy -Spanish Civil War (: <3

Was World War I and World War 2 one long war?

Not exactly, but the circumstances surrounding the end of World War 1 set the scene for World War 2, specifically the Treaty of Verseilles, which put a huge debt on Germany, while severely restricting the German military.