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US were trained in conventional warfare whereas the Viet Cong used guerilla tactics - hitting the enemy and then moving away; not wearing a standard uniform; merging into village life with ease etc. It was difficult for these young American troops to know who was the enemy and who they could trust amongst the South Vietnamese population.

America had total control of the air. Planes could be used to back-up ground troops by using napalm. Defoliation chemicals were also used to destroy the jungle cover given to the Viet Cong along the Ho Chi Minh trail. Agent Orange killed large areas of jungle disguising this trail but those using it, simply moved further inland or further into Laos thus avoiding the defoliated areas.

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Search and Destroy.

Tools used; firepower.

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Q: Us tactics in Vietnam
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What are US tactics on Vietnam?

Search and Destroy.

American tactics in the Vietnam War?

what were the american tactics in the vietnam war

Who did the US go against in the Vietnam war?

In the Vietnam War the US opposed the invasion of South Korea by North Korea. The fighters from North Korea, who used guerilla tactics, were known as the Viet Cong.

What tactics did US use against the Vietcong?

In the Vietnam Conflict, the US Military used primarily "Search and Destroy" tactics. These involved sending troops into an area with the hope of inducing an ambush or sending them in to destroy enemy camps.

What tactics did the US use against Vietcong guerrillas?

In the Vietnam Conflict, the US Military used primarily "Search and Destroy" tactics. These involved sending troops into an area with the hope of inducing an ambush or sending them in to destroy enemy camps.

Why did the US withdraw their troops from Vietnam?

The US was losing to North Vietnam as their troops were extremely skilled and in abundance. The deaths and casualties in the US army were exceeding greatly, and the Americans thought it was not worth stopping the communist aggression in the Far east as no one cared that much either. Also apparently, the people in south Vietnam didn't want to fight so the Americans didnt just want to fight from their side. basically, the main point is that NORTH VIETNAM TACTICS > US TACTICS and the deaths were just too much so they withdrew, leaving south Vietnam to be invaded by communists.

Which people used guerrilla tactics in Vietnam?


Fighing tactics used in Vietnam war?

Vietnam War: Find'em & Kill'em (Search & Destroy).

What kind of tactics did Vietnam use in the war against the Americans?

During the Vietnam War, the US strategy was "Attritition". This involved the tactics of "Search and Destroy", which was accompanied by the procedure of "counting enemy bodies", which resulted in the term, "body count".

Why did US fight the way they did in Vietnam?

War tactics didn't change, much. Just the media coverage that the people seen in the states changed,

Did the US refuse to change their tactics in the Vietnam War?

The US DID change it's tactics in Vietnam. The war went FROM a guerrilla war TO a conventional war (tanks and B-52 bombers). Had President Kennedy lived, Vietnam very well could have been fought by the USN SEALS and USA Special Forces (Green Berets). Fighting fire with fire. When Kennedy died, the WWII Generals took over; and Vietnam went WWII style (jets fighting jets, tanks fighting tanks, etc.).

In general American tactics in the Vietnam war did what?

Alienated the Vietnamese citizens.