Lincoln was the President of the United States. He led the Federal forces, also known as the Union or the North, in the American Civil War.
Almost any where in the world. Yankee is a slang term used for usa americans. During USA Civil war, the term was used for soldiers fighting on the side of Lincoln.
Yes. If Maryland had voted Confederate, Washington D.C. would have been totally surrounded by rebel states. He had to jail pro-Confederate politicians in Maryland to keep it onside.
Spanish rebel troops.
the first person to create the rebel flag was a black women in the slave days
they were called this because reb is short for rebel and the south was rebeling against the north
It was a rebel state
A rebel
Historians writing about the US Civil War capitalize both Rebel and Yankee. They do so as they are treated as proper nouns.
Rebel, but more accurately a Confederate sympathizer.
Grant was the general in command of all union (i.e. Yankee) forces at the end of the Civil War.
Yankee Doodle.
No. Lincoln was the newly-elected President that the Southern states were rebelling against.
No. Lincoln was the Union leader. Jefferson Davis was the Confederate leader.
in the civil war rebels were pro slavery and Yankees wanted to ban slavery
Yankee doodle is written during the American Revolution by the Birtish troops or as most people called them," lobsterbacks" or "redcoats". It was written to make fun of the rebel American colonists.
Yankee doodle is written during the American Revolution by the Birtish troops or as most people called them," lobsterbacks" or "redcoats". It was written to make fun of the rebel American colonists.
Yankee doodle is written during the American Revolution by the Birtish troops or as most people called them," lobsterbacks" or "redcoats". It was written to make fun of the rebel American colonists.