yes bombers targeted military bases and war factories as well as airfields but civilian citites were targeted too
Total Warfare. Essentially, not only was it soldiers fighting, but civilians were targeted too, such as bombing raids on cities.
The vast majority of the people who died during World War II were innocent civilians. It is estimated that at least 50 million died during the six years of fighting. A true accounting may never be known.
how did world war 2 affect the civilians and the soldiers
Yes. It was the first war where civilians were targeted. The number of combatant countries that could attack each other's cities added to the civilian devasation.
One of the indicators of genocide and of war crimes is when civilians are targeted - this is not to say that other nations did not target civilians, just that as Germany lost the war, they would be tried for war crimes. Germany then specifically targeted women and children, an indication of a desire to destroy a group or set of people.
The Innocent Civilians
Around 60 million people were killed on all sides during World War 2. Most of them were innocent civilians.
Frighten innocent civilians
Because people died during the war. It was either soldiers, animals, and even innocent civilians.
Total Warfare. Essentially, not only was it soldiers fighting, but civilians were targeted too, such as bombing raids on cities.
The vast majority of the people who died during World War II were innocent civilians. It is estimated that at least 50 million died during the six years of fighting. A true accounting may never be known.
how did world war 2 affect the civilians and the soldiers
Yes. It was the first war where civilians were targeted. The number of combatant countries that could attack each other's cities added to the civilian devasation.
Approximately 2 million people....Not quite, more like 67,000
One of the indicators of genocide and of war crimes is when civilians are targeted - this is not to say that other nations did not target civilians, just that as Germany lost the war, they would be tried for war crimes. Germany then specifically targeted women and children, an indication of a desire to destroy a group or set of people.
To protect innocent victims of war--particular civilians, prisoners of war, the wounded, sick, and shipwrecked.
The attacks killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians to end the war.