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The two camps where the highest numbers were killed were: * Auschwitz - At least 1.1 million victims were murdered there. * Treblinka II - About 870,000 murdered. Note that Treblinka II was an Operation Reinhard camp, and designed only for the purpose of killing victims. (Treblinka I was a hard labour camp).

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The Nazis built scores of concentration across German occupied Europe. The two most famous camps used in the Holocaust were Auschwitz and Dachau. Auschwitz is famous for sheer size and for starving, brutally beating, and in many cases, killing through the used of pesticide zyklon-b and then burning the Jewish corpses in ovens. Hundreds of thousands of Jews and others died in this Nazi concentration camp in German occupied Poland. Dachau was a concentration camp in Germany where most German Jews were sent. Thousands were murdered there mostly through starvation, and the Death Rate was much lower Auschwitz

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βˆ™ 15y ago

okay go here: theres a bunch sadly. okay go here: theres a bunch sadly.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Two concentration camps were:

  • Dachau
  • Bergen-Belsen

Two extermination (death) camps were:

  • Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • Sobibor
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βˆ™ 15y ago

* Auschwitz (group of camps) - At least 1.1 million killed. * Treblinka II - about 850,000 victims.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Auschwitz was the biggest Nazi concentration camp and also the biggest extermination camp. The total death toll was at least 1.1 million. Please also see the related question.

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Q: What are two of the concentrationcamps used in the Holocaust?
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Name two of the concentration camps used in the Holocaust?

Please see the related question.

When was the abomination of the first Holocaust?

there was only one Holocaust, there were two World Wars.

Which two holocausts happened during world war 2?

There was only one Holocaust, there were a few attempted genocides, but the Holocaust is a specific term and cannot be used to describe other similar events.

Why did the holocaust experience genocide?

Genocide was the word used to describe what happened in the Holocaust.

When was the term Holocaust invented?

The term holocaust was first used in biblical writings. Holocaust means a sacrifice. OLD testament

What two grups fought during the holocaust?

Many groups fought, but if the Holocaust were to be split into two groups, they would be the victims and the perpetrators.

Was the US forced into the Holocaust?

It looks as if you are equating the Holocaust with World War 2. The two were distinct.

What is the difference between the Holocaust and apartheid?

I'm also wondering difference of those two cuz I met one holocaust survivor today and she said holocaust and the shoah is kinda different-------------------------------------Shoah is the word that the Jews use for the attempted extermination of the Jews by the Nazis. This word is used in preference to the word Holocaust for three main reasons:The Holocaust is used by many to describe all of the victims of Nazi extermination policies.The definition of Holocaust implies sacrifice and many Jews consider this inappropriate as there was no sacrifice involved.The word (or term) Holocaust is currently being hijacked by many other people resulting in it's meaning being eliminated, for example 'Animal Holocaust or African Holocaust or 'Today's Holocaust'. Or 'motorway Holocaust' just to describe a car crash, which obviously is almost the same as the Holocaust.

What were two types of transportation during the Holocaust?

Trains were mostly used for transporting troops and slaves to deportation camps. Jeeps were used to get Generals and Commanders around.

Was the Holocaust staged?

The Holocaust was not 'staged', but there are many falsehoods spread about the Holocaust. For example; you might read that people were used to make soap, this was not true.

How did the Holocaust lead to decolonization?

There is no link between the two, unless you are confusing the Holocaust with World War 2.

What were ovens in the Holocaust?

The ovens in the holocaust were used to burn the corpses of those who were killed in concentration camps.