US GIs in Vietnam (both Marines and Soldiers) wore the steel M1 helmet which was covered with a reversible cloth camoflage cover (green or brown pattern, if reversed).
Written graffiti on those cloth covers was a common tradition in Vietnam; it wasn't common in WWII for the US Army because the US Army didn't wear them in that war. The US Marines only wore them for a portion of WWII, and WWII in the Pacific Theater moved so fast that Marines seldom had the time nor cared about the writing on them, to the extent that they did in the Vietnam War.
But Vietnam lasted so long, in ONE PLACE (Republic of South Vietnam), that helmet grafitti became a traditional past-time.
The only "ace" symbol may have been the "Ace" card carried in the helmets elastic camoflage band which held the camo cover in place. That band carried everything from mosquito propellent, cigarettes, toilet paper, to LSA gun oil (Lubricant, Small Arms), etc. GIs that carried that card, more than likely were planning on placing it on an enemy corpse when the event presented itself. Sort of a "We (or I) were there and/or compliments of the "...such and such division...etc." If this was the case, the event wasn't normally conducted in the presence of an officer, whom might not condone those particular activities.
The British military used what is commonly referred to as the: Brodie, Tommy, or M-1917 steel helmet. The US used the very same steel helmet until it was replaced by the WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, M1 steel helmet.
These eight trees stand for the eight woman that died in the Vietnam war.
During the Vietnam War, ARP's were Aerial Rifle Platoons that secured LZ's (Landing Zones).
Vietnam was a shooting war (a hot war). A cold war is a NON-shooting war; a cold war is a "stand-off" between two (or more) adversaries. Technically, Vietnam, being part of the cold war...communism verses the free world...the Vietnam War was a "Hot BATTLE" of the cold war.
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!
Demilitarized Zone
It was used to scare supersticious vietnamese soldiers.
Rest and Relaxzation
Scientific Wild A-- Guess.
A casualty report
The British military used what is commonly referred to as the: Brodie, Tommy, or M-1917 steel helmet. The US used the very same steel helmet until it was replaced by the WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, M1 steel helmet.
Snoopy wore his World War I pilot's helmet, as the "Flying Ace."
All combatants in WWII were supplied with steel helmets. But only the US and USSR steel helmets survived into the Vietnam War era; both the US and USSR steel helmet "DESIGNS" served in the Vietnam War.
The Vietnam War demonstrated to the world, that the US would make a stand against communist aggression. The loss of South Vietnam was a temporary blow to US morale.
Vietnam was part of the cold war. The cold war was a military stand-off between two sets of nations with two different ways of life. Part of the cold war: Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war. A war generally consists of a series of battles. Cold war=no deaths, no shooting Hot war=shooting and killing
These eight trees stand for the eight woman that died in the Vietnam war.
Just decoration. In Vietnam GIs wrote Graffiti on their steel helmet covers. That has become a form of decoration for that war.