It caused President Johnson to send more troops to Vietnam.
Lyndon Johnson was the one who escalated the conflict into a full scale war. However, Eisenhower sent in military advisers and Kennedy deepened the US commitment to the keeping a non-Communist government in Vietnam.
The war escalated at an extreme rate after 1965 due to the following; after congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, Lyndon Johnson had the full power of the American military at his disposal to send to Vietnam and with this massive increase in troops he also began Operation Rolling Thunder. Operation Rolling Thunder involved bombing North Vietnam until Ho Chi Minh ended the insurgency in the south. This did not occur, Johnson then sent a further 145 000 ground troops on search and destroy missions throughout the Vietnamese jungle.
Eisenhower believed in the domino theory that justified intervention in Vietnam and he sent advisors to support the non-Communist government there. Kennedy greatly increased the military aid sent to Vietnam and had the US deeply involved there. Johnson then escalated the War greatly. So, you could say that Eisenhower started it, Kennedy made it inevitable and Johnson really made it a war.
president Johnson
There is no question that President Lyndon Johnson was in charge of America's military effort in Vietnam, as Commander In Chief, and the war escalated because he escalated it.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Lyndon Johnson was the President of the US during the Vietnam War from the assassination of John Kennedy until the election of Richard Nixon.
President Johnson used the gulf of tonkin incident to further his goals in the vietnam conflict by creating a buzz and hysteria through the country about terrorism and anti forces.
It caused President Johnson to send more troops to Vietnam.
It caused President Johnson to send more troops to Vietnam.
it caused president Johnson to send more troop to Vietnam
Lyndon Johnson was the president when large numbers of US troops were first sent to Vietnam.
Johnson escalated the war.
President Kennedy sent only advisors, arms, and money into South Vietnam, President Johnson escalated the war and committed U.S. troops.
By bombing North Vietnamese Navy installations in North Vietnam.
Lyndon Johnson