CSS refers to Confederate States Ship as in the name CSS Shenadoah.
CSS refers to Confederate States Ship as in the name CSS Shenadoah. In computer terms CSS is a Cascading Style Sheet.
CSS Corp was created in 1996.
The US military draft began in the US Civil War (1861-1865).
Although there are different types of military badges for the US Army, there are no subdivisions for military insignia. The total number of military insignia for the US Army is 57.
No, in reality the US Government is in control of the US Military, the government determines the total size of the military, its budget and salaries as well as a lot more like research and development. The heads of the various military branches have the responsibility of advising the commander in chief, concerning military issues, and proposes to the Secretary of Defense and to the US president miliary requirements and what types of military equipment is needed to protect the US.
A Military Courts-Martial.
The CSS Alabama was sunk by the US Navy off the coast of France, near Cherbourg, in 1864.
Military on horseback were referred to as the Calvary.
It means that he is the senior person in the chain-of-command of all of the military forces of the United States.
Those who are eager to use force to protect the US are referred to as "hawks" or "hawkish." They are in opposition to "doves." These terms extend to use beyond just military leaders; they can be used to describe politicians or pundits, too.
US Military or U.S. Military.
A US military serviceman who has served in a combat zone is commonly referred to as a combat veteran. They have experienced active combat operations and have been exposed to the dangers and challenges of warfare.
The part of the American government referred to as BUPERS belongs to the US navy and military personnel department and is software for their use only.
Extraordinary rendition is the term used to describe a US military kidnapping. It is also sometimes referred to as a irregular rendition. These terms became regularly used during the United States World on Terror.
Valid CSS is CSS that has been run through the W3C CSS checker and passed.
It's referred to as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue".
The desire or tendency of extending control of one country over another territory is referred to as imperialism