This was a disagreement on the treatment of the defeated countries of WWI between Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd George, and Georges Clemenceau. It took place at the Palace of Versailles.
David Lloyd George was the British negotiator in World War I. Additional negotiators included Woodrow Wilson and Georges Benjamin Clemenceau.
He was the Prime Minister of Italy after WWI. He, along with Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau and Lloyd George, decided Germany's fate after WWI. Source: Wiki answers... :)
The Big 3 at the Paris Peace Conference could have been any of four who were considered the Big 4 at that conference. Those four men were, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Premier Vittorio Orlando from Italy, President Woodrow Wilson from the United States, and Premier Georges Clemenceau from France.
China- General Chiang Kai-shek Soviet Union-Josef Stalin Great Britain-Prime Minister Churchill (later Clement Attlee) United States-President Franklin D. Roosevelt (later Harry S. Truman)
David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson
The Big Four
Georges Clemenceau
Woodrow Wilson & George Clemenceau differed because they both had different goals. George Clemenceau wanted Germany to pay them back and for France to get them back. While Woodrow Wilson jest wanted to let France have some land and maybe some money so they could repair all the damage Germany had caused in WW1.
georges clemenceau
Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau and David Lloyd George
George Clemenceau
Absolute pubic hair
Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau and David Lloyd George
the big four : president Wilson, david Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, & vittoro orlando
Vittorio Orlando, David Lloyd, George Woodrow Wilson, and Clemenceau
David Lloyd George George Clemenceau Woodrow Wilson