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Q: What is the vietminh front?
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Related questions

What did this vietminh victory cause the French to do?

The Vietminh victory caused the French to withdraw from Vietnam.

What were the Vietminh fighters like?

Little and tough

Who lead the vietminh?

Ho Chi Minh

Why did the Vietminh attack the french after WW2?


The french surrendered to the vietminh at?

Dien Bien Phu.

What country provided aid to the Vietminh after 1949?


What did the Vietminh declare as its main goal?

the main goal from vietminh to win Vietnam's independance from foreign rule by janki patel

Where did the French lost the battle of Vietminh at?

Dien Bien Phu

The Vietminh formed initially in Vietnam to?

Win independence from Japan

Who was the Leader of the vietminh resistance group?

Ho Chi Minh

Who is the president of vietmane?

If you mean the Vietminh, then the president was Ho Chi Minh

What was the term for the league for independence formed by ho chi minh?
