

Best Answer

If you mean religion:

There are several different denominations that vary by country:

  • In the US/Canada, the 4 main denominations are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Recontructionist.
  • In the UK, the 4 main denominations are Orthodox, Masorti, Reform, and Liberal.
  • In Ireland, the 2 main denominations are Orthodox and progressive.
  • In Israel, the 1 main denomination is Orthodox, though the Reform movement is gaining ground there.
If you mean ethnicity, there are currently two main groups: Ashkenazic and Sefardic.

Answer 2

First of all, it should be stressed that all Jews have the same Torah.

Jews may be classed according to lifestyle, geography, or outlook.
There are Jews who are more stringent (Orthodox) or less stringent (Conservative, Reform) in their observance of the Torah's commands. Orthodox Jews believe that the Torah must be fully observed (Deuteronomy 13:5). They keep the laws of Judaism as codified in the Shulchan Arukh (Code of Jewish Law), which lists the laws of the Torah and Talmud. Torah-study is seen as very important (Deuteronomy 5:1); and the modern world is seen as subservient to the Torah (Talmud, Nedarim 32a), not the other way around.
Other Jewish groups (Conservative, Reform) adapt, curtail or change the Torah-laws in contemporary life, to a greater or lesser degree.
There are Ashkenazi (Western) Jews and Sephardi/Mizrahi (Eastern) Jews. In Medieval times, the Ashkenazim were in France and Germany, the Sephardim were in pre-expulsion Spain, and the Mizrahi (Edot Hamizrach) were in North Africa, Turkey and Iraq. (There are others too, such as Yemeni and Romaniote (Greek Jews), but the above are the largest groups.)
Among the religious Jewish communities, there are the Yeshiva (Litvish) community, Hassidim, and Modern Orthodox. (Hassidim are the ones who wear long frock-coats.)
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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

All Jews in the areas under Nazi control were marked out for extermination: the Nazis did not distinguish between different types of Jews.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Every Jew was affected. Young, old, women, men... disabled Jews also. The disabled, Jews, people who didn't fit into the Arian stereotype were all affected.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

inocent people were killed at holcaust

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Q: What kinds of people were killed in holocaust?
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How were the people in the holocaust that got killed?

The Holocaust murdered all kinds of people, from newborn babies to decrepit aged persons and everything in between.

What was the outcast of the Holocaust?

the outcast of the holocaust was that millions people were killed and thousand of people was traumatised

What type of people were killed during the Holocaust and how many?

The Holocaust was the attempted extermination of Europe's Jews. About six million were killed during the Holocaust.

How many people were killed in the holocaust other than Jews?

People that were killed during the Holocaust in addition to the millions of Jews were the Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and people with disabilities. Also killed were Gypsies, Poles, Soviet POWs, and slaves in Eastern Europe.

How many people got killed in the holocaust that got killed were children?

Out of 13 Million People who were killed during the Holocaust, only about 1.3-1.7 Million Children were killed during the Holocaust. Majority of the Children were under the ages of 13 years old.

What did Heinrich Himmler do in the Holocaust?

killed people

How was the people in the holocaust killed?

they were gassed to death

Why were criminals killed in the holocaust?

Criminals would have been killed because of their crimes, but this would have been part of the justice system, not part of the Holocaust, people were only killed for being Jewish in the Holocaust.

A fact about the Holocaust memorial?

there where at leats 11million people killed in the holocaust 6mollion where jews

What group had 6 million people killed during the Holocaust?

The Nazis organized the holocaust

How many people were killed during the Nazi holocaust?

It has been estimated that about 13.5 Million people were murdered during the Holocaust. 6.6 Million being Jews, 3 Million being Soviet POW's, 1.9 Million being Non-Jewish Poles. Other kinds of people such as the Mentally and Physically Disables along with Criminals, Black People and Romas were also killed the Nazi Genocide which is known as the Holocaust.

How many resistance people were killed in holocaust?
