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The North wanted to put taxes on the rich southerners, plantation owners, mill owners, etc. The south didn't want to pay so they tried to secede from the United States to become independent as the Confederate States of America.

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For the US Civil War, the South started the war. For the Vietnam War, the North started the war.

Plaese Give More Facts.Thats not the answer to what started the war(!)

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Q: What started the war between the North and South?
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The bombardment of Fort Sumter started the Civil War

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The bombardment of Fort Sumter started the Civil War

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There was never a war between the South and the West in the US. There was a war between the North and the South and between Mexico and America.

Why did the American Civil War started?

It started because the south was unhappy with the election and the north and south dsagred on slavery.

What were the Korean War?

It's basically a war between north and south Korea. north was communists and South was democratic.

What are the names of the war between north and south?

The anwer is the civil war. The war the south and north faught about because of the debute about slavery