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His father beat him savagely but his mother loved him.

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This can be described by a quote from Hitler stating "I honored my father, But I loved my mother." ~ Mein Kampf

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Q: What was Adolf Hitlers relationship like with his parents?
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Where was Adolf Hitlers parents born?

His father, like him was born in Brauna am Inn, the Austrian Empire. His mother, I believe was born in Spital, Austrian Empire.

What was adolf hitlers family like and was they nasty?

they where nasty like because hitler said if you are not like me i will kill you

Why was adolf hitlers nickname the death maker?

because he was a mad man because he killed people that he did not like

What as Adolf Hitlers hair like?

It Was Like The Justin Bieber One no im kidding was kept turned to one side with a comb

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Adolf Hitlers childhood was very sad. because world war 2 was going on and he was just a kid.

Was hitlers parents powerful?

no hecame from a fairley normal background i think something happened to his father and Adolf took a rather important, central role in his family rather like a father . His sister said he was firm but fair but she respected the hell out of him.

What was Adolf Hitlers upbringing like?

Apparently he had quite an authoritarian upbringing from his father's side, receiving lots of beatings from his father, although he received lots of love from his mother.

Did Adolf Hitler's parents like what he was doing to all the Jews?

Hitler's parents died long before he started doing what he did to the Jews.

Were Adolf Hitler's parents snobby like him?

no they were just a bit annoyed about world war 1

What were Adolf Hitler's feelings towards his parents?

He loved his mother, didn't really like his father.

What does it mean to be in a relationship?

A relationship is just that, like a friend and friend, or children with parents.

Was Hitlers daughter a true story?

no it wasnt a true story because adolf hitler didnt have a daughter and if he had a daughter he wouldnt treat her like she was different from everybody else isabella bou-said