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storm section

Sturm Abteilung (Storm Section)

No No No, The Sturmabteilung were his 'bullies' they were is charge of German Street terror etc... anyways back to the point, Hitlers Private army were the Gestapo or SS,

hope it helps

well I actually agree with the first answer...

Hitler's private army is the Sturmabteilung or the SA. They were in charge of the beating and robbing of Jews of Germany. The SS or the Gestapo are the army of Germany, the main army.

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9y ago

In German, the military of Nazi Germany was called the Wehrmacht. Wehr basically means "defense" and macht means "force" or "strength". So they were officially called the "Defense Force".

The Wehrmacht was broken up into three branches:

  1. The Luftwaffe ("air weapon"), or air force
  2. the Heer ("army")
  3. the Kriegsmarine ("war navy")

The separations weren't totally strict, however. The Luftwaffe, for example, had a large army of its own, the Fallschirmjäger (fallschirm means "parachute" and jäger means "hunter" or "light infantry") corps, who were mostly used as traditional infantry.

Additionally, the Nazi Party had its own internal security organization known as the Schutzstaffel ("protection staff"), or SS for short. Not long after World War II started, the SS formed its own internal army, which grew larger and larger as the war dragged on- this private army became known as the Waffen-SS ("armed-SS"). By the war's end, the Waffen-SS made up about one quarter of the total German military- however, it was technically never part of the Wehrmacht.

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14y ago

Hitler's secret police was called the geheime Staatspolizei, abbreviated to Gestapo (Secret State Police).

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16y ago

Schutzstaffel or the SS for short

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Archie Rushin

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18y ago

The SS

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