Hitlers father was Alois Hitler.
hitlers kill streak is atually 17,999,998
Hitlers government was called the Third Reich
Kayla Carlin is right about Hitlers death, he killed himself.AKA suicide
her biggest fear is ghosts
What is Rebecca's biggest fear
the biggest mark was the halocaust when he illed most of all the Jews
Harry Styles' biggest fear is rollercoasters.
Jake T. Austin's biggest fear is sharks.Jake T. Austin's biggest fear is sharks.
Harry Styles' biggest fear is rollercoasters.
Harry Styles' biggest fear is rollercoasters.
Katie Puryear's biggest fear is spiders.
Louis Tomilnson's biggest fear is growing up
Liam's biggest fear is spoons ,at leat that's what he said
Louis Tomlinson's biggest fear is going bald
her biggest fear is ghosts