Oh, dude, seriously? Hitler wasn't playing Call of Duty, he was a dictator responsible for the deaths of millions of people during World War II. So, his "killstreak" was more like a horrifying tragedy, not something to joke about. Let's keep it light and respectful, okay?
hitlers kill streak is atually 17,999,998
He was the master of Battlefield 3
Attack Dogs and the Gunship are both the highest killstreak reward at 11 kills.
you can't :(
11 killstreaks: attack dogs or gunship
The joint highest killstreaks are helicopter Gunship and Attack Dogs both on 11 kills.
It is 11 it is either attack dogs or a gunship
The highest killstreak would be the amount of kills you can get on that match
Get a 100 killstreak
Well, in CoD4 killstreak rewards end with a helicopter after 7 kills. The highest scored by a person ever, I do not know. It is hard to tell as many players glitch, hack or cheat the game and therefore you cannot use their numbers as a basis for information. My highest killstreak is 27, and it stopped there because the game ended. I was 27-0 with the potential to keep going, so it is tough to say what the highest killstreaks are. But there are people with 40-50 killstreaks.
NOPE! It's a 3 killstreak.
no, a killstreak stop when you die and the kills that your harrier do will not count in your next killstreak