The easiest i can put this is the North was the Republicans and the South was the Democrats. And the Whig party didnt exist anymore, it eventualy formed into the Republican party as seen above.
A turbulent free democratic government.
"Carpetbaggers" was the term applied to Northerners who moved south, to build industries and influence the political changes caused by freeing the slave population. The Southern legislatures were required to ratify the 13th Amendment in order to regain representation in Congress.
liberal democratic party
mcarthy and kennedy ran for the democratic presidential nomination
Not in the Democratic one yet.
it was either the a)northerners b)southerners c)New Englanders d)Native Americans you are smart figure it out
carpetbagger- northerners who moved to the south and the south hated them beacuse they were like kicking them out scalawag- southern whites who supported the reconstrution Era
I would say Southern states nowadays are generally carried by the Republican party. However, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries the South tended to vote for the Democrats, who were ideologically different than today's Democratic party.
Yes, carpetbaggers were opportunistic Northerners who moved to the South after the U.S. Civil War. They sought economic and political opportunities in the war-torn region, often profiting from the instability and reconstruction efforts. They were seen by many Southerners as exploitative outsiders.
They white southerners kept African Americans from political power is by creating Black codes
The slavery issue changed political parties. The Whig Party collapsed, divided between anti slavery Northerners and proslavery Southerners. With this split, a Democrat won the 1852 campaign for president. Some Whigs joined the new American party.
northerners who move south with carpetbags for political and financial advantage
The Fugitive Slave Law angered the Northerners a lot.
Democratic and Political