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It was wise NOT to discuss where you've been. It only brought dirty looks, scornful faces, or gleefullness from their faces if you were missing an arm or leg or eye. If a viet vet was an amputee or showing other signs of wounds, someone might be "smiling" at him from a distance (out of fist fight range), with that "serves you right!" Look. In 1974(?) the federal government passed a NON-discrimination law specifically protecting Vietnam Veterans from discrimination. Also because they lost the war, Australian soldiers were seen as low, useless and pathetic to the Asutralian public.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Come home and then try to blend back into society as quietly as possible. Prior to the 1974 (or 1976) Federal Anti-Discrimination Law which protected Viet Vets, employers COULD state that they "will not hire you because you were in Vietnam."

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Q: What was the reaction the Vietnam veterans received upon returning home different from the reaction received by veterans from other wars?
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Many companies are specifically hiring veterans and there are jobs fairs throughout the country that are specifically for veterans only. What was your specialty in the military? Look for specific jobs that will utilize these skill sets in the private sector. If you are looking for a job in retail, Wal-Mart has pledged to hire any returning veteran that is looking for a job.