The most important cause of the American Civil War was slave-holding. While numerous regional issues separated northern and southern states in the Union, it was slavery that divided the nation at the deepest level, and it was slavery that finally led to the costly War between the States in 1861-1865.
The civil war changed the nation in many ways, in the north the war changed the way people thought about our country. The south or Union, people began to think of the united states as a single nation rather than I collection of states. The war also caused the national government to expand.
Any nation that is at odds with the US, "might" cause a man to lose his citizenship if he joined a foreign military. When using the term "American", Canadians consider themselves to be (North) Americans.
After the cessation of hostilities in the Korean peninsula in the 1950s, Communist leaders could (and often did) feel that they had scored a victory inasmuch as they had secured territory (the new nation of North Korea) for the Communist cause. Even more, the powerfully Communistic government controlling North Korea became a new ally of the Communist cause, thereby strengthening that cause against the alliance of nations aligned with the United States and other anti-Communistic powers.
Lincoln was sad cause he lost so he ended slavery so that he and a larger nation could mourn the loss together. With all of the slaves free sadness was larger and it inspired the soldiers to fight harder and that's what they did.
Partitions - Poland was divided between Russia, Prussia (Germany) and Austro-Hungarian Empire
yes it can cause it can be divided by 900
the north got into the civil war with the south not just for the cause of abolishing slavery but mostly to keep the nation together. president Lincoln knew that "a divided nation cannot stand" and was not reluctant to get into the war after the south attacked fort Sumter
common cause
an issue that citizens care about and rally around
The war cause for the Nation.
Natural Resources - novanet!!
Coronary artery disease
During the Lincoln-Douglas debates in 1858, Lincoln used the "House divided against itself" statement as a reference to the issue of slavery. Lincoln was saying in effect that as long as the nation was fighting over the slavery issue, it would cause great harm to itself.
tero bau
Externalities can cause market failure if the full social costs and social benefits of production and consumption are not taken into account.