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The most valued weapon of the Civil War to the average soldier and cavalry trooper was the Henry Repeating Rifle in 44-40 rimfire caliber. Many Union soldiers spent the equivalent of 4 months pay to privately aquire this lever action rifle. Col. Mosby of the Confederate Partisan Rangers strained every nerve to aquire these guns stealing many from the First DC Cavalry. Only 10,000 of these rifles were made during the war. They were so valuable and effective that they were carried by the bodyguards of both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Many different types of weapons were used in the Civil War, mostly rifled muzzle loading muskets and revolvers. Most rifles muskets fired the 58 cal minie ball, although it wasn't a musket ball, it was the start of how modern bullets work. It spun in groves in the barrel of the gun to make it more accurate. They were used in guns like the 1853 Enfield musket and the Springfield 1861. Another weapon used allot in the Civil War was artillery or cannons. Most cannons used would be the 12 pounder Napoleon and the 3 inch ordnance rifle. The 12 pounder was not rifled so it fired a round cannon ball and the 3 inch ordnance rifle fired a rifled projectile. The ammo used for cannons was ether round shot, basically a steel ball, Shell, A cannon ball or projectile with gun explosives inside and shrapnel with a fuse, And canister or grapeshot, basically like a giant shotgun. There were many different weapons used, allot of men brought their own rifle.

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15y ago

The most sought after small arm of the American Civil War was the Henry Repeating Rifle in 44-40 calibre. The bodyguards of both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis were armed with these lever action rifles. They were capable of firing 16 rounds without reloading.

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15y ago

Pistols : Colt 1860/1862 Rifles : North 1861 Springfield South : 1863 Enfield both about .58 caliber Artillery : 12 lb Napoleon and 3" rifled cannon

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15y ago

Rifled muskets: 1861 Springfield .58 cal. and 1853 Enfield .577 cal. Artillery: 12lb Napoleon and 3" ordnance rifle

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11y ago

The most used gun was the revolver.

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13y ago

One was the submarine

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