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Any container (box, bottle, can, tube, lunch box, tool box, briefcase) was used when packed with demolitions. In the "bush" on patrol, standard grenades tied between trees with a fishing line between them was a trap. Once the string was stepped on the pin was released. A GI with good ears might hear the "spoon" release and jump for cover (and hope he doesn't land on another one during the process). Better yet, a "GOOD POINT MAN" would locate the trap, halt the patrol, and then destroy it in place (or disarm it, if the patrol wanted to remain quiet).

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Q: What were the booby traps set by veitcong in the Vietnam war?
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What is a Vietnam tunnel rat?

During the Vietnam war the Vietcong made a tunnel network under Vietnam which they used for communication and supply routes. When the American troops found the entrance to one of these tunnels they would send one soldier down into the tunnel armed only with a gun, a knife, a flashlight and a piece of string. These soldiers were called 'tunnel rats'. They would explore the tunnels and then bring any papers or information back to the rest of his troops at the entrance to the tunnel. Many 'tunnel rats' were killed while down in the tunnels as the Vietcong set booby traps to kill the 'tunnel rats'.

Who decided to divide Vietnam?

That was quite complicated. After French troops were defeated in the battle of Dien Bien Phu in May 7, 1954, the Geneva Conference (which had been held before) came to an agreement known as the Geneva Accords. In this this set of treaties, France and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam both agreed to withdraw their troops to different parts of the country (Vietnamese forces to the North, and French troops to the South). After that, French army would retreat completely from Vietnam and two regions would unify in an election. However, U.S. government later refused to follow that schedule because they had never signed the Accords. They set up a pro-America government with Ngo Dinh Diem as president in South Vietnam while communists still controlled the North. To conclude, it was France, America and, ironically, Vietnam (didn't know what it was doing) who divided Vietnam.

Carlos hathcock sniper shot distance?

Hathcock set the record for the longest confirmed kill at 2286 metres in Vietnam, 1962, which lasted for 40 years.

What type of government was set up in Vietnam?

The role of the South Vietnamese government was to become a self reliant free country that emulated other free world democracies, and the US government's role during the cold war, was to support such free societies.

What was Battle Fatigue called in Vietnam war?

Battle Fatique or Combat Fatique. It was called the same thing because the senior officers and NCOs leading the war in Vietnam were WWII era men. Generals Harkins, Westmoreland, Abrams (all Vietnam war commanders) had all fought in Europe against the Germans during WWII. Unfortunately, it was Vietnam Veterans (victims) that were used to introduce that "Post Tramatic Syndrome" term. Unfortunately because it set the trend for abuse by everyone else (called "getting on the band wagon"-all occupations and all people). But during the Vietnam War "post tramatic syndrome" didn't exist, just combat or battle stress (fatigue).

Related questions

What kind of traps did Iroquois boys set up?

they set up squirrel traps, raccoon traps, rabbit traps and beaver traps

Why did the vietcong set traps during the Vietnam war?

The Vietcog set traps to wound or kill as many enemies (American troops) before actually haviing to fight them. They could not fight America's superior technology face to face. By setting traps the etnmies wounded, demoralized and seriousy freaked out American troops and made them less effective.

Are there still booby traps in pyramids?

Most pyramids have been thoroughly explored and cleared of booby traps by archaeologists. However, there may still be undiscovered or unexplored areas within some pyramids that could potentially contain traps. It is important to follow regulations and guidelines set by archaeological organizations when exploring ancient structures.

Do you need a permit to set lobster traps?

Yes you do need a permit to set lobster traps.

What animal sets traps?

Humans are the only animals who set traps

What is a Vietnam tunnel rat?

During the Vietnam war the Vietcong made a tunnel network under Vietnam which they used for communication and supply routes. When the American troops found the entrance to one of these tunnels they would send one soldier down into the tunnel armed only with a gun, a knife, a flashlight and a piece of string. These soldiers were called 'tunnel rats'. They would explore the tunnels and then bring any papers or information back to the rest of his troops at the entrance to the tunnel. Many 'tunnel rats' were killed while down in the tunnels as the Vietcong set booby traps to kill the 'tunnel rats'.

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How can I effectively set mouse traps to catch rodents in my home?

To effectively set mouse traps to catch rodents in your home, place traps along walls and in areas where mice are likely to travel. Use bait such as peanut butter or cheese to attract mice to the traps. Check traps regularly and dispose of any captured rodents promptly.

When can you use traps?

Any time after the turn you set them

How do you get short-tailed shrews out of your home?

Set mice traps.

How do you booby trap my bedroom?

First, you have to find out who you want to get trapped. Second, if you hear any bad guys planning to go to your house, you make a battle plan. Follow the plan and make booby traps out of what is on your plan. Fourth, you shall hide where there is a phone and call the police. After you call the police, you should run to your neighbor's house if needed.