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13y ago

It was quite benefited by the free labor of millions of people. If you can get that many people to work all day for almost no money at all, then you're in a pretty good financial position. I don't support this at all myself, heck, my great great grandfather was a slave, but it did help the economy. Actually, I'm not sure that's completely fair to say, because it simply put distance between the poor and the rich. Even a Caucasian man with little money at that point would be in a bad situation, because he had no way to get much more money than he had. Whether this is good or bad for the economy is really an opinion.

Because of slavery, enabling the south specialize in cotton, they did not diversify like the North and therefore had an adverse effect on their economy.

Answer #2:

Slavery may have made the elite white people of the south rich, but it was hurting the economic development of the south in general. The south made its money from cotton and slave trading, so there were no jobs for poor white people, the vast majority of labor was performed by slaves. White people were forced to move north or west, which caused the population of the south to increase at a much slower pace than the north. The south also tried to hamper industrialization because if machines were invented that could do the work of slaves, the value of slaves would plummet. Read: "The Impending Crisis of the South" by Hinton Rowan Helper.

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13y ago

Southern slavery helped finance industrialization and internal improvements in the North


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12y ago

hi bithches

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Q: Which economic result of the Civil War affected both the North and the South?
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