In 1933 the Reichstag was set alight. Many believed it to be of Nazi activity. However, Hitler used this as a great way to get back at the Communists (the Nazis arch rivals). Support for the Communists soon fell.
Containment of the free trade international market allowed the U.S. and communist countries to avoid nuclear confrontations helping to secure the peacetime foreign policy.
The domino Effect is a phenomenon where a chain of consequences is created by a single event. As in a line of dominos, where 1 domino is struck, others fall as a consequence of the original action. As it pertains to the Vietnam war, the domino effect was the theory that the US government used to justify its intervention in Vietnam. The position of the pro-war, anti-communist advisers in the government was that if Vietnam was allowed to "fall" to communism, this would set off a 'domino effect' whereby first neighboring countries such as Laos, Cambodia and Thailand would fall into communist revolution, and by extension countries further afield would be overtaken as the global communist revolutionary movement gained momentum. According to this line of thinking, to stop communism in Vietnam was to stop the world from falling into communist control. This theory is disproved, as we know Communist North Vietnam defeated US forces, but this did not result in a domino effect of neighboring countries becoming communist.
The United States supported Ngo Dinh Diem as ruler of South Korea in his fight against the communists in North Korea. The US gave support to Diem for much of his rule, but eventually allowed him to be overthrown and assassinated without resistance.
In a communist country, typically only one political party is allowed to hold power. This single-party system is a key feature of communist ideology, with the ruling party representing the interests and ideals of the working class.
You were not allowed to change castes
you were not allowed to change caste
Cuba is considered to be a communist country , so religions may not be tolerated.
roosevelt corollary
roosevelt corollary
The allowed for expanded shipping by water in an era before widespread railroads.