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Members of the Gestapo didn't normally wear uniforms, unless they were operating in operational areas where wearing an uniform afforded protection to the wearer. In such circumstances, members of the Gestapo wore SS uniforms with a blank right collar patch, an SD sleeve diamond, and police shoulder straps to indicate their rank.

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Q: Who did the design for the gestapo uniform?
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What is the differences between the ss and Gestapo?

Originally organised by Hermann Goering, the gestapo was Prussia's secret state police. However, it eventually became part of the SS and operated throughout Germany and in occupied areas. Members of the Gestapo generally operated in civilian clothing but, in occupied areas, often wore SS uniform with police-style (rather than SS) rank insignia. Membership of the Gestapo didn't necessarily mean membership of the SS.

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What did the Gestapo uniform look like?

Generally speaking, members of the Gestapo wore civilian clothing unless they needed the protection of a military uniform when working in operational areas. In that case, they wore an SS uniform in field-grey colour. Their rank was indicated by police-style shoulder straps, and by their SS-equivalent rank insignia worn on the right-hand collar patch. The left hand collar batch was plain. On the lower left sleeve, they wore a black diamond, outlined in silver thread, bearing the initials 'SD'.

What was the Japanese counterpart to the Nazi Gestapo?

The Japanese Gestapo - or Kempeitai - were very similar to the Gestapo in the way they operated, but had been around for much longer than the Gestapo (1881-1945). Their numbers were considerably larger than that of the Gestapo, however - about 70,000, compared to the Gestapo's 32,000.

What were the nazi secret police called?

The Gestapo.

What requirements were needed to be a gestapo?

The main requirement needed to be in the Gestapo was being a non-Jewish German. You also needed to believe in the Gestapo and agree with that way of thinking to join the Gestapo.