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The Pakistani Commando

The Pakistani commando are by far the best commandos in the world. they are passed through the toughest training their can be and have boundless reflexes.

They maybe less in numbers but are skilled to face unbeatable obstacles.They are passed through such tough circumstances that they can survive in the most critical situations.They are fearless,brave and powerfull.Each commando is selected after being passed through a lot of tests and evaluations.They are tought to live on live meat and other animals and can survive the toughest weather conditions a human possibly can.

They are known as the King of all the forces in the world.

US Commando

Probably the most fearsome and skilled commando unit in the world! The US commando unit has always been on the move serving its own country and fighting against terrorism in foreign lands. The US commandos are also skillful management leaders donning leadership roles. The commonly used code names include - Eagle, Hawk, Blue and Swift. US Commandos are trained to be skillful marksmen to be able to survive in no man land with minimal refreshment. US commandos are skilled in bioterrorism, nuclear weaponry and sophisticated night bombing schedules. The US commando unit works with Navy SEALs and the Green Beret to advance US Army philosophy.

The Israeli Commando

Formed after World War II, the Israeli commando unit works closely with Israeli intelligence forces of 'Mossad' to curb anti terrorist acts. Israeli commando units employ women to watch and maintain over homeland. The commandos are fast in action with agility and nimbleness matching those of the wild cheetah. They move about disguised detecting any untoward signs. Israeli commandos do not hesitate to use tactics of guerrilla ware fare, bio terrorism, sophisticated weaponry and nuclear armoury to achieve their ends.

The Indian Commando

The Indian commando unit is referred to as the horses of Asia. The Indian commando undergoes vigorous training to patrol the borders. The Indian commando units are skilled in the art of guerrilla warfare and sophisticated weaponry. Indian commandos go by their code names and are often sent to Israel to undergo special ammunition training camps for more than a month.To be a commando is a matter of pride and courage but it demands a price of invisibility where no one knows your true identity. Anonymity has to be the second name for a commando.Indian commandos are know for there quich reaction time in the shooting. They are recogonised as the best Commandos with maximum reaction time of only 1.58 sec to spot the enemy and shoot.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago
Answer is very simple

1.British S.A.S.:

The S.A.S. stands for Special Air Service and was formed during World War Two. It is one the most special forces units in the World and some might say it is the most elite special forces unit. Since Wold War Two, they have fought in Malaya, Borneo, Oman, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and in many other places. There was en exchange program between American and British special forces during Vietnam although the British Government denies that the S.A.S. fought in Vietnam. The S.A.S. was used in Desert Storm to hunt down mobile SCUD launchers.

The concept was that the S.A.S. would operate in much smaller units than previous commando units which generally operated in units of about 50. Initially the small units could be dropped by parachute or infiltrated by jeeps or small boats, deep behind enemy lines to carry out sabotage or reconnaissance missions. Later, infiltration using helicopters and submarines were added.

Unlike many other special forces, the British S.A.S. is recruited from veterans from the Marines and Army. These troops must pass rigorous physical and mental test in order to be considered for the S.A.S. They are then put through an extensive training campaign to hone their skills

Unlike the United States Seals, the British S.A.S. favored the use of Cybernetics. Each trooper is equipped with a universal headjack and ear implant including a special cybernetic gun link, and cybernetic systems designed to protect from toxic gasses. The cybernetic gun link is very expensive and all guns have to be specially modified to take advantage of the system. The most spectacular enhancement is the Nano-Tech Enhancement feature which is similar to the one marketed on Rifts Earth by Archangel Heavy Industries. The system boosts the person's strength and reflexes.

Several teams of S.A.S. were onboard the HMS Africa when the Ark Royal battle group was attacked by Argentinian stealth bombers using weapons and all of the special forces troops were thought lost. They were some of the best S.A.S. personnel in the British military and their loss was deeply felt. They ended up being Rifted hundreds of years but no one knew that at the time.

Level Requirements: Must be at least fourth level.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12 or Higher, M.E. 12 or Higher, P.S. 14 or higher, and P.E. 14 or higher

Bonuses: +1 to M.E., +2 to P.S., +1 to P.P., +2 to P.E., and +4 to Spd. Also, gives +2 to Horror Factor and +2D6 S.D.C. (These bonuses are in addition to previous bonuses, cybernetics, and those from Hand to Hand: Commando.)

Additional Skills: All skills, with the exception of hand to hand commando, start off at first level. The character continues to advance in his old O.C.C. but the S.A.S. training adds additional skills. Intelligence (+15%)

One Espionage Skill of Choice (+10%)

Two Military Skills of Choice (+10%)

One Rogue Skill of Choice (+10%)

Hand to Hand Commando - At Characters Level

Standard Equipment: ER-7 Stealth Body Armor (If available, otherwise issued R-5 or R-6 Body armor), LP-12 Laser Pistol and LCR-58 Combat Pulse Laser Carbine with two short and four long E-Clips. Also are issued four grenades and one in five is issued either the LMG-60 Squad Automatic Pulse Laser Rifle (instead of LR-55 Rifle) with an additional eight long E-Clips or a SSRG-12 Sniper Rail Gun. Other equipment includes two dress uniforms and six working uniforms, survival pack (equal to NG-S2 basic survival pack), and 7 days of rations. Other equipment is issued as necessary.

Money: 2D6x1000 Credits and gets a monthly salary of 2500 credits a month (Officers get double.) All food, equipment, clothing, room, and board is supplied by the Military.

Cybernetics: In addition to the Universal Headjack & Ear Implant (Special Augmentation, Amplified Hearing, Sound Filtration System, and Optic Nerve Implant), Oxygen Storage Cell, Lung Toxic Filter, and Molecular Analyzer which are standard issue for both the Army and the Marines, they are given Cybernetic Gun-Link system (+3 to strike on aimed shots and +2 to strike on bursts on weapons which are modified to use the system - Weapons modified cost 50% more than normal). Each SAS Trooper also gets a Nano-Tech Enhancement (See Section 7 for details - Nano-Tech Enhancement)

Experience Levels: Use Original O.C.C.

2.US Commando

Probably the most fearsome and skilled commando unit in the world! The US commando unit has always been on the move serving its own country and fighting against terrorism in foreign lands. The US commandos are also skillful management leaders donning leadership roles. The commonly used code names include - Eagle, Hawk, Blue and Swift. US Commandos are trained to be skillful marksmen to be able to survive in no man land with minimal refreshment. US commandos are skilled in bioterrorism, nuclear weaponry and sophisticated night bombing schedules. The US commando unit works with Navy SEALs and the Green Beret to advance US army philosophy.

Special Service Group

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3.Special Service Group (SSG) is an independent commando division of the Pakistan Army. It is an elite special operations force similar to the United States Army Special Forces (Green Berets) and the British Army's SAS. According to Indian analyst, Mandeep Singh Bajwa, the SSG "are formidable opponents and easily rank as one of the finest special forces in the world."[1]

Official numbers are put at 2,100 men, in 3 Battalions; however the actual strength is classified.[2] It is estimated to have been increased to 4 Battalions, with the eventual formation of 2 Brigades of Special Forces (6 Battalions).

It is currently led by Maj Gen Furrukh Bashir.

Military operations

  • The SSG were first used in 1965 in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Codenamed Operation Gibraltar, their aim was continued reconnaissance, sabotage of Indian Military facilities and eventual liberation of Kashmir from Indian control.[3]

  • SSG took part in operation Clean wash with French forces to eliminate a group of terrorists inside holy kabbah in 1979.[4]

  • In the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 they were once again used, this time in assistance to regular infantry units and for non-conventional and rescue operations. SSG conducted what would be considered to be "classic special forces missions" against Indian forces during this war. Eventually faced against massive political and military onslaught in East Pakistan, the SSG could do little in turning the tide of war.[5] Of note is that Pervez Musharraf commanded a company of commandos during the war. It's told that it were basically some SSG troops who arrested Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the night of 25 March 1971 during the Operation Searchlight, who sent the message to Dhaka Cantonment headquarters saying, "Big bird in the cage".

  • The SSG was active in Afghanistan in the 1980s during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, conducting different type of covert and direct action missions. Again when the balance of power shifted, it led some covert operations against the very Afghan government (Taliban) that Pakistan (along with Saudi Arabia and UAE) had once aided, this time as part of the allied forces in operation Enduring Freedom. The SSG has aided in the capture of many senior Al Qaeda leaders, most notably Abu Zubaida and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed

  • The SSG has partnered with the US CIA's elite Special Activities Division and has been very active "on the ground" inside the Federally Administered Tribal AreasUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Predator[6] These strike have led to what has been described as highly successful counterterrorism operations.[7][8] (FATA) targeting al-Qa'Ida operatives for strikes.

  • The SSG has also conducted many operations in Siachen Glacier against Indian positions. The most noted one took place in 1987 when Pervez Musharraf (then brigadier) orchestrated a successful SSG unit assault on Indian posts.

  • In addition, some covert operations in United Nations military missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia and Sierra Leone have also been executed by SSG operators.

  • The involvement in the Kargil War involved early gains which were later lost due to determined Indian Army assaults, resulting in the eventual return of Pakistani forces to the Line of Control.

  • SSG Commandos abseiled down from helicopters into Daggar, a town N.West of Islambad, killing up to 50 militants in Operation Black Thunderstorm.

Counter terrorism operation In September 1986, Pan Am Flight 73 was hijacked by four Palestinian terrorists while it was refuelling in Karachi. As negotiations stalled and the terrorists started to kill the passengers, the SSG stormed the plane. The SSG killed 1 hijacker and captured the rest. 21 passengers died and over a hundred were injured. Many inadequacies within the SSG regarding such missions were revealed and were later addressed.[2]In February 1994, Afghan hijackers took over a school bus with 74 children and 8 teachers because they wanted the Pakistan government to re-open the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and improve conditions of the Afghan refugee camps. They drove to the Afghan mission in Islamabad where they released 57 students but kept 16 boys and the teachers. The negotiations lead nowhere and it was decided to free the hostages by force. The Pakistani authorities had somehow managed to inform the children of the impending raid.[2] The SSG commandos used a secondary explosion as a distraction and entered the room at the Afghan embassy where the hostages were being held, killing the three hijackers.[2]In May 1998, three members of the Baluchistan Students Federation took over a PIA Fokker plane because they were angry at the government for conducting nuclear tests in Baluchistan. As negotiations dragged, the SSG commandos rushed the plane and apprehended all 3 hijackers. None of the passengers were harmed during the assault.In July 2007, the SSG was the main assault force which re-took the Lal Masjid from Islamic extremists. The SSG suffered 11 killed and 33 wounded.[9] On September 13, 2007 a suicide bomber killed at least 20 personnel of the SSG and injured dozens others at the officers' mess of the sensitive cantonment area of Tarbela-Ghazi.[10] The blast has reported to been a vendetta attack by the Islamic fundamentalists who were attacked in the Red Masjid siege in July.[11] According to reliable sources a civilian wearing a white cap with a long beard walked with his bicycle towards the SSG mess and blew himself up there.[12]On 30 March 2009, SSG successfully participated in thwarting the 2009 Lahore police academy attacks.[13][14]On 10 October 2009, militants attacked the Pakistan Military Headquarters, taking hostage 42 civil and military officials. SSG commandos rescued 39 hostages and killed 9 militants, capturing one.The militants have been linked to a former SSG operator, Ilyas Kashmiri being a leading Al Quaida commander operating along side Tehrik-e-Taliban. A total of six SSG commandos and three hostages were killed in the operation.As reported by ISPR (Inter Services Public Relations) The operation was undertaken by SSG's Counter Terrorism Force.[15] Three more SSG commandos, injured during the operation, passed away in the hospital on October 12.[16]

4.The Indian Commando

The Indian commando unit is referred to as the best in Asia. The Indian commando undergoes vigorous training to patrol the borders. The Indian commando units are skilled in the art of guerrilla warfare and sophisticated weaponry. Indian commandos go by their code names and are often sent to Israel to undergo special ammunition training camps for more than a month.To be a commando is a matter of pride and courage but it demands a price of invisibility where no one knows your true identity. Anonymity has to be the second name for a commando.

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