Thois is really two questions
A) Why did the Vietnam War destroy America's good reputation?
Because internationally, many foreign countries were alarmed at the disproportionate level of violence which America was using.
Also, many foreign countries did not agree with America's domino-theory of the spread of Communism.
B) Why did the Vietnam War set people against one another?
Because people took different points of view regarding America's involvement. There were three basic viewpoints which clashed to some degree with each other...
* Some felt that the war was justified and should be supported * Some felt that the war was unjustified, but that their country was at war and should be supported, regardless * Some felt that their country should not have been in Vietnam at all.
One of the main reasons was to separate the Vietnam War from the French War or French Vietnam War (which is often referred to as the French Indochina War; and lately, the 1st Indochina War). To makes things simple: The French Indochina War and the US (American) Vietnam War, might be the easiest way to remember it.
The US is not at war with Iraq.
revolutionary, vietnam, ww2, ww1.
Southern sympathisers living in South Vietnam. Another words, they were not from North Vietnam and not members of the North Viet Army (NVA). But they were on the same side as the NVA and were taking orders from Hanoi (Capital of North Vietnam).
Yes, I found it in Parksons mall, and another mall near Parksons in Ho Chi Minh city. Btw, Vietnam is one of Tomica manufaturer.
1. Against another country/nation: Vietnam War 2. Against another peoples: Indian Wars 1622-1890 (ending with the battle of Wounded Knee in 1890).
The US helped in order to stop the spread of Communism into another nation and it was Viet Nam.
None. Vietnam was a war against another nation (North Vietnam). Iraq is a police action in which law, order, and stability is trying to be established from withing the country. The US is NOT at war with Iraq.
Both wars were fought during the cold war against communist aggression. The communists lost the Korean War but won the Vietnam War. Another words the Republic of South Korea exists today; the Republic of South Vietnam does not.
North Vietnam verses South Vietnam. Which is one of the reasons people thought it was a civil war and the US should stay out of it. But that idea is incorrect: A civil war is fought by ONE nation against itself. Just because the word "Vietnam" or "Vietnamese" was in the sentence (North & South Vietnam) does not mean it was one nation. Vietnam was TWO nations; and the North was attacking the South, which was another nation (country), which disqualifies it as a civil war.
Prior to the resolution, Vietnam was strictly a guerrilla war; fought between government forces and southern (VC) communist guerrillas. After the resolution; the US committed conventional US troops and commenced open warfare against the North Vietnam. Translation: Vietnam converted from a un-conventional guerrilla war into a conventional war against another country (minus nuclear weapons).
Longest war-Indian Wars 1622-1890. Longest war (against another recognized country)-Vietnam War 1955-1975.
No not directly. Only by proxy. Korea, Vietnam, Central & South America, and Afghanistan in the 80's.
Vietnam wasn't fighting anybody in 1964 because there was no country named Vietnam. There were two nations, one called North Vietnam and another called South Vietnam. Just like the states North Carolina and South Carolina or North Dakota and South Dakota in America...FOUR separate states! In 1964 North Vietnam became engaged in war with America; after the Tonkin Gulf naval battle(s) in August 1964.
There was no country called "Vietnam" during the war. There was a country called North Vietnam and another country called South Vietnam, which one are you asking about?
Slander- Spoken false statement that damage another person's reputation.