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Actually, the balance was important to the slave states since they could block the outlawing of slavery because they would have an equal number of votes in the US Senate. If the number of free states was allowed to become larger than the number of slave states, then the slave states would have to rely on votes from Senators in free states to continue slavery.

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12y ago

It has to do with representation in the Senate. Since each state gets an equal number of votes in the Senate, the government wanted slave states and free states to be equal, since when they weren't equal, the South, (whose economy relied on slavery) talked of secession from the union.

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Otherwise the South would always be outvoted in Congress, and new laws would tend to favour Northern interests.

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15y ago

to keep balance in the U.S.

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Q: Why was it important to the South that the number of slave states and free states be kept equal?
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