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Personally, I'm inclined to capitalize the points of the compass anyway, though I believe it is now considered archaic. Referring to the two sides in the Civil War, I think caps are appropriate - if only to distinguish what are effectively proper names from ordinary compass references.

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Q: Would you capitalize north and south when talking about the civil war?
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When you are talking about the North country in general do you capitalize North?

Yes, when referring to a specific region like the North country, it's common practice to capitalize "North" to signify it as a proper noun.

Does north need to be capitalized?

Generally, no. When 'north' is used as noun ("towards the north"), adjective ("the north end of the building") or adverb ("the arrow was fired north"), "north" is not capitalised. When used as part of a proper-noun or place-name, it should be capitalised, such as in "North Pole" or "North America".

What contienets where in the Civil War?

we need to know which civil war you are talking about The United States Civil War was on the continent of North America

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Unless you are talking about Vietnam, the North Won! The Union, the north won, while the South confederacy lost

What was the strategy of the US in the Civil War?

The civil war was fought by the North and the South, both parts of the U.S. Are you talking union or confederate?

A major cause of conflict between the north and south?

If you are talking about America it is the American Civil War, but if you are talking about Korea, The Korean War

Are North and South capitalized when writing of the Civil War?

When you are talking about the sides in the war, yes. If you are referring to the direction, they moved north, not. If you say they joined the North, yes.

What are the capitals for the Koreas?

If you were talking about North Korea it would be Pyongyang or if you were talking about South Korea it would be Seoul

Do you capitalize north in Interstate 75 north?

Yes it should be capitalized.

Should you capitalize the n in I-75 north?

Yes, you should capitalize the "N" in "I-75 North" as it is the correct way to indicate direction on a highway or interstate.

Did the armies of the civil war were divided into three groups?

Do you mean Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry? You would also need to add Engineers and Supplies. If you are talking about opposing forces, there were only two: the North and the South.

Do you capitalize the word Mainland for mainland north america?

It is not necessary to capitalize the word mainland. The sentence is fine with mainland in lower case, while North America is in upper case.