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some natives and europeans did get along in-fact some got married but not all where like this. they had a very rough relationship, europeans introduced natives to alcohol, they took a lot of their land with no pay or virtually no pay, they changed their way of life and at certain points in history we even wanted to assimilate them. there was schools that brought big bunches of them in and a lot of the schools were violent but that was how their system worked back then. the natives and the europeans even had a few fights and disputes.

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Q: Did the natives and europeans get along when they met each other?
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What diseases did the native Americans give to the Europeans?

I believe Europeans are the ones that gave diseases to the Natives, Not the other way around. <different user> The Europeans gave the Native Americans disease, but the Natives also gave the Europeans knowledge on how to survive in the wild I think, correct if I'm wrong,please!!! I suggest you check out syphilis and the Native American. Both gave their own version of biota to each other.

How was the Native American population in the Americas affected by the arrival of Europeans?

the native population was destroyed by European colonization, once they began interacting with each other trade and war both erupted between the groups, disease being the number one killer by far due to the natives having no resistance to the European diseases, followed by war with Europeans.

Why did some explorers fight with native American tribes?

Because settlers where greedy, or maybe some Native American tribes were not peaceful. Also many settlers had little respect for the Indians ,because the settlers supposedly thought that they were higher than the Indians.

Did Britain or France have a stronger relationship with the Native Americans?

Yes but each with different tribes of the Native Americans.

How did the American Indians and europeans interact with each other?

The relationship between Europeans and Native Americans was pleasant for a time. Once the Europeans became more numerous the cultures began clashing and many colonists and villagers became enemies.

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What diseases did the native Americans give to the Europeans?

I believe Europeans are the ones that gave diseases to the Natives, Not the other way around. <different user> The Europeans gave the Native Americans disease, but the Natives also gave the Europeans knowledge on how to survive in the wild I think, correct if I'm wrong,please!!! I suggest you check out syphilis and the Native American. Both gave their own version of biota to each other.

Why did native Americans join Europeans in wars against other natives?

The Europeans bribed the Native Americans and also sabotaged them and made them fight against each other. That's about the dumbest and laziest answer I've ever seen for a question such as was asked. Native American tribes joined europeans in wars against other natives because long before the europeans arrived, native Americans were warring against each other, to varying degrees of success. Once the europeans arrived some tribes aligned themselves with them because they were rewarded for their loyalty with assurances that their longstanding fueds with other tribes would be met with the full force of their European allies. Sure, europeans re-introduced horses and brought gunpowder with them to the new world, but war they did not.

What was the impact on Native Americans and Europeans from contact with each other?

== == == ==

How was the Native American population in the Americas affected by the arrival of Europeans?

the native population was destroyed by European colonization, once they began interacting with each other trade and war both erupted between the groups, disease being the number one killer by far due to the natives having no resistance to the European diseases, followed by war with Europeans.

How was Hispaniolas Native population affected by European arrival?

the native population was destroyed by European colonization, once they began interacting with each other trade and war both erupted between the groups, disease being the number one killer by far due to the natives having no resistance to the European diseases, followed by war with Europeans.

What four events happened that lead to the affect of the Natives future?

I am not sure what you mean. If you are asking about Native Americans or others. In the United States there were several million tribes and each affected by the Europeans differently.

Why did some explorers fight with native American tribes?

Because settlers where greedy, or maybe some Native American tribes were not peaceful. Also many settlers had little respect for the Indians ,because the settlers supposedly thought that they were higher than the Indians.

Did Britain or France have a stronger relationship with the Native Americans?

Yes but each with different tribes of the Native Americans.

How does North America get along with each other?

They live close to each other- they have to

Who was the most hated criminal on the western frontier?

to the whites it was all indians (now native americans) to the native americans it was the whites. each other were criminal to each other. the whites stealing the natives land and all other type of attrocities. and the whites hated the natives because they had what they wanted and sometimes fought for it....

How did the relation ship between Europeans and Native Americans seem to change as more and more of Europeans came to America?

they no like each other

Which of the Cullens and hales always get along with each other especially with Bella?

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