We have many reserves in Canada, there are some in every province of this great land, every tribe has their own reserve, for instance : the Algonquins are in Ontario, there are Cree and Chippewa in Manitoba.
The Miami Indians traded buffalo hides. The Miami tribe in Oklahoma has its own government, laws, police, and services, just like a small country. Today, Miami chiefs are elected by the people, just like mayors and governors.
People from England came to America. They were called Pilgrims. They came to America in 1620. The Pilgrims wanted freedom of religion. They wanted to choose their own church. They came on a ship they called the Mayflower. The Pilgrims lived in a place called Plymouth. The Indians (Native Americans) helped them build Why_did_Pilgrims_come_to_Americaand find food. The Native Americans (Indians) were the first people to live in America.
Many tribes would steal babies and children from other tribes who had killed some of their own. These children, traditionally, would be given to the grieving family as a replacement for their own lost children, and most often, adopted into the tribe and raised as one of their own.
The colonists were taking and clearing land that was the Native American's hunting grounds. At first the Native Americans were peaceful and made treaties with the colonists, but after the colonists just kept expanding, the Native Americans knew that had to fight for their land.
Because the government put them into there own native land where there people used to live in peace
My guess is because the Spaniards made the Native Mexicans obey their laws.
Native Americans own parts of South Dakota as do many people and businesses.
Canada is a British commonwealth. They have their own government and laws, but also recognize the queen.
by using their own languages in street signs
by using their own languages in street signs
by using their own languages in street signs
by using their own languages in street signs
The crete native is a western washington tribe that own alot of the puget sound area
the indians
Native Americans 1). Not to screw up the naming from the Indians from India or "Dots" I like to call them while Native Americans are the "feathers" (Two nicknames I came up with on my own!). 2). They are Native to America and are the first known population to live in the land we now call today the USA.
Provided you comply with all laws, IIRC, yes.