Chivalry as a concept has probably "gone with the wind" but more appropriately replaced with what most people refer to as manners. Chivalry reflects a time when gentlemen tipped their hats, opened doors and stood as ladies entered and left a room.
A writer's attitude toward a subject is best described as tone.
The attitude that the old man has toward death is ironic for a couple of reasons. One of these ironies is that the man wishes he had more time in his life.
what was samuel parris's attitude toward children?
Chivalry may still be present in some individuals, but attitudes towards gender roles and expectations have evolved over time. The concept of chivalry may not be as prominent or universally practiced among modern youth as it once was.
The preposition "toward" typically follows the word "attitude." For example, one might say, "She has a positive attitude toward her work."
mayellas attitude toward the courtroom is very sassy (cocky)
How does George’s attitude toward his hometown change as events unfold?
A writer's attitude toward a subject is best described as tone.
Andrew Jackson was devoted to the Union. This meant that his attitude toward nullification was negative, and he opposed it.
China's attitude toward entrepreneurship is now much more positive than it was in the past.
The author's attitude seems to vary. Toward the word, it may be reverence or a sense of power. Toward fate, it may be acceptance or defiance. Toward God, it may be faith or skepticism.
The authors attitude toward the people places and events in his work is considered to be the tone.