A:they are called eastern woodland Indians because they lived in forest and were in the east coast.
they have differnt costumes
the went kakakakakakakak
Women grew corn while men fished
Two examples of the games that the Eastern Woodland Indians would play wasLacross an Chuncky.Chunky was there favorite game and Lacross was a very energtic but dangorous game.
they made lots of toilet paper for a living!
what are some of the eastern woodland indians customs and traditions
How did the physical environment of the eastern woodland Indians affect the homes they constructed
Not exactly you see, the Iroquois is a small group of tribes inside the whole subgroup of the eastern woodland Indians
The Northwest Coast Indians traveled by canoes.
Yes they did
They farted...
yes they did
Yes they can.
woodland indians
eastern woodlandindians are cool
Yes Eastern woodland Indians is another name for the Iroquois Indians.